April 2023 GMC Call for Bounty Applications - Deadline is April 15th

Bounty Application

Bounty: RocketProof

What is the nature of the proposed bounty?

This bounty is conditional on the grant for RocketProof (proposed here) being granted.

The bounty is for collaborators to join the project and help produce RocketProof. The specific areas of skill and expertise that would be most beneficial are listed below - they may exist in one or more persons:

  • Knowledge of the Ethereum protocol, including the EVM and the beacon chain. Be able to give thoughtful consideration to questions about how best to model Ethereum when presented with different mathematical options. Be able to answer technical questions about how Ethereum works, or point to where to find out.
  • Knowledge of the Rocket Pool protocol: a high-level and a detailed understanding of the smart contract ecosystem and how the protocol fits together. Similarly to the above point, be able to give thoughtful advice and answer questions about how best to model the protocol mathematically.
  • An understanding of what properties it would be valuable to prove about the Rocket Pool protocol, and ability to engage with me on how best to formally state these properties.
  • Technical and/or explanation writing ability. Be able to distil the work being done and its benefits in a form amenable and understandable to an audience unfamiliar with formal verification.
  • Marketing skills and reach: be able to promote Rocket Pool effectively and accurately, without overclaiming or underselling, for the level of security and safety it achieves from formal proof.
  • Bug bounty experience or knowledge about making claims: in case any vulnerabilities are found during the course of verification, support in claiming the relevant bug bounty correctly, safely, and effectively.
  • Cheerleading / motivational support. Also possibly project management.

Must the results of this project be entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes, as in the RocketProof grant application.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

Overall this bounty inherits the benefits of the RocketProof project.

Work and Verification

What steps would be entailed in completing the bounty? Do successful examples of such work exist elsewhere?

Work on the project.

How long is the proposed bounty available for? Is it awarded to the first team to successfully claim it, or is it in some way divided among all such successful claims in the proposed availability period?

For the full length of the project, for any people who wish to join at any point for any period of time.

Who will test any products submitted for claiming the bounty?


What is the acceptance criteria for awarding of the bounty?

Ramana will assess the contribution, with input from the community and the GMC to the extent they are willing to provide it.


How much RPL is the applicant requesting for successful completion of the bounty?

I propose we aim for several (e.g. 10) chunks of work of roughly 50-100 RPL each. Alternatively, for a long-term collaborator throughout the project I would say something like 500 RPL. I am very open to revising these amounts and schedule in discussion with the GMC.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the bounty have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the successful completion of the bounty).

Yes - this bounty is entirely to support my concurrent grant application.
Otherwise no.

Will the applicant, or any protocol or project in which the applicant has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the bounty is successfully completed?
