April 2023 GMC Call for Retrospective Award Applications - Deadline is April 15th

Retrospective Award

Snapshot Voting Poaps and Template

Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?


What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

They put together the poap people receive when they vote on snapshot, provided psd, available at RP vote poap – Google Drive

Are the subjects of this award entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes, CC-BY 2.0.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

It didn’t

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help rETH holders?

Indirectly by encouraging governance participation.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

It didn’t.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

Indirectly by encouraging governance participation.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help the Rocket Pool community?

Governance is critical for the protocol, and getting people excited about it is incredibly valuable. I asked for help several times making a poap and ShfRyn was the one to step up. They’ve also maintained it by updating the text for each snapshot vote, while making sure anyone else (with photoshop) could take over.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help RPL holders?

Indirectly by encouraging governance participation.

