[Forum Poll] Exploring Medium-Term Initiatives with GovAlpha

Interesting. I see the community discussion threads (eg September 1-9 2023 GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications) as a great place to provide the GMC with input. I’ve seen input about specific items and also general topics (eg, governance, documentation, dashboards…). The “results” threads, GMC nomination thread, and GMC selection threads also offer opportunity to provide feedback.

The issue I see seems more akin to what you touched on in your last paragraph – the pDAO doesn’t know what it wants. However, I don’t see much participation in terms of figuring that out either – instead that steering has (mostly) been delegated to the GMC. I suspect that if we discussed enough to be able to vote, the GMC would have gotten enough of a pulse even without the vote. (I will happily volunteer to help get a signal vote to happen if we have some idea what we want on it though)