Is oDAO Fatigue an Issue?

Personally, I wouldn’t mind a small increase to oDAO (reminder, I am not on the oDAO). I hope I’m not thrashed for that opinion, lol. It would end up coming out of the treasury, ultimately, so the absolute RPL value to IMC and GMC would be the same (can’t decrease NO rewards, imo).

One thing I want to avoid that I heard spoke of once in the past is having pDAO/GMC etc. provide any type of reward or compensation directly to the oDAO. I don’t think we want pDAO to have even any pretense of “directly employing” oDAO, even though pDAO does ultimately vote on the splits.

If my numbers are correct, the last rewards cycle of 2024 had 77888 RPL of inflation that went as follows:

77888 RPL → 
			54522 RPL	pDAO Node Operators 
			1168 RPL	oDAO Rewards 
			22198 RPL	pDAO Admin →
							11068 RPL	IMC 
							4563 RPL	GMC 
							6567 RPL	Treasury

Reminder, 70% goes to the pDAO NOs, 1.5% to the oDAO, 28.5% to pDAO administration. The pDAO admin percentage is further split into 50% for the IMC, 20.5% for the GMC and 29.5% for the treasury.

If you went:
70% NO
3% oDAO
27% pDAO

77888 RPL → 
			54522 RPL	pDAO Node Operators 
			2336   RPL	oDAO Rewards 
			21030 RPL	pDAO Admin →
							11068 RPL	IMC 
							4563 RPL	GMC 
							5399 RPL	Treasury

That would keep IMC/GMC the same with new splits:
IMC 52.6%
GMC 21.7%
Treasury 25.7%

This doesn’t take into account a potential shift from treasury to GMC that is also being discussed in another forum post: Revised GMC Split Proposal

The oDAO could further choose to not vote in new members, thus keeping a larger share each of the rewards (which I believe is already the case with Yorick and Blockchain Capital? recently leaving).

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