[ODAO] Proposal for Rewards Tree Spec v2

I’ve decided to update this pseudocode for Atlas-

NO_attestations = 0
reth_attestations = 0
minipool_attestations = {}

for each minipool:
  for each attestation:
    // Only include attestations that could have increased SP balance via proposal
    if attestation.missed() or not minipool.inSmoothingPoolForSlot(attestation) or not minipool.active():
    let bond = minipool.bond/32
    let minipool_score = bond + (minipool.commission)(1-minipool.bond)

    // Increase the total pseudo-attestation count owed to NOs
    NO_attestations += minipool_score
    // Increase the total pseudo-attestation count owed to rETH
    reth_attestations += 1-minipool_score
    // Increase this minipool's pseudo-attestation performance
    minipool_attestations[minipool] += minipool_score

let node_rewards = {}
// rETH gets its share
let totalRETHSmoothingPoolBalance = totalSmoothingPoolBalance * (reth_attestations / (reth_attestations + NO_attestations))
// NOs get the rest
let totalNOSmoothingPoolBalance = totalSmoothingPoolBalance - totalRETHSmoothingPoolBalance
for each minipool:
  // Each minipool gets its weighted attestation amount divided by the total NO weighted attestations, aggregated per node
  node_rewards[minipool.node] += totalNOSmoothingPoolBalance * minipool_attestations[minipool] / NO_attestations

Critically, this is fair because
minipool_score + (1-minipool_score) evaluates to 1 (the atomic attestation), and minipool.bond/32 + (minipool.commission)(1-minipool.bond) evaluates to the percentage of the rewards for that attestation that are owed to the node operator… e.g., a LEB8 with 14% commission:

0.25 + (0.14)(0.75)

Or a 16e minipool with 15% commission:
0.5 + (0.15)(0.5)