On-Chain pDAO Replacement

“If security.members.quorum percent of members vote in favour of the proposal, it is immediately affected.”
Should be “effected”.

– And some minor ones —

It doesn’t look like this PR On-Chain pDAO Replacement - #24 by kane happened?
This is a a link to additional info, so doesn’t materially change the spec.

The guardrail on rpl.inflation.interval.rate is weak. An increase of 1e16 takes us from 5% per year to 3900% per year. This is fine for avoiding “infinite” inflation, but is quite extreme. Just checking intent.

For security.proposal.execute.time, it says “How long a proposal can be executed after its voting period is finished”. Does that also consider reaching quorum as the period being finished? My attempt at a read is: no - it’s simply the time when the vote starts + security.proposal.vote.time +security.proposal.execute.time. I think either is fine, but unambiguous would be nice.

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