pDAO 2022/9/1-2022/9/29 TREASURY REPORT


As part of RPIP-10 -

  • There SHALL be a pDAO Treasurer appointed via pDAO vote within 3 months; until such a pDAO Treasurer is appointed, jasperthefriendlyghost will serve as interim pDAO Treasurer.
  • The pDAO treasurer SHOULD post an update within one week of the end of each rewards period, which details the following for each category: starting funds, income, spend, final funds

…and so I now present the September pDAO treasury report. This month brings us to the post RPIP-10 world and thus the sheet has expanded to include the newly codified budget categories. Of these categories, only the Incentive Management Committee is equipped to receive funds. The funds will remain with the guardian until they can be dispersed properly.

9/1: Treasury share of inflation

9/1: IMC test transaction

9/1: IMC disbursement

You can follow along on the live RP Treasury report here (Google sheets warning).

  • Jasper the Friendly Ghost