Possible RP Release Processes

Minor follow up after chatting with @Valdorff . We came up with a middle-ground for release-content ratification that we both like.

Essentially, release teams would present an informational RPIP containing the release contents before implementation work began on the release. This RPIP would not be voted on by default, however, there would be a process for the pDAO to vote against a given set of contents via a challenge RPIP within a set period, before implementation work begins in earnest.

This is similar to how pDAO override of GMC decisions is handled (which was the inspiration.)

This has several nice properties:

  • It prevents a vote unless there is opposition to a certain set of release contents (saves everyone time and effort)
  • It saves time early if the pDAO is likely to vote against the release after implementation.
  • It provides more information to the release team in the event of a successful challenge. (The challenge RPIP would contain reasoning and specific issues rather than a general ‘no’ signal being applied to the contents as a bundle.)
  • It retains opportunities for trust to develop between the DAO and release teams.
  • The release team is not tied to release contents the way they would be if they were explicitly ratified.
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