Proposed Bounty/Grant Budget and Process

Adding a few items that I think will be helpful:


Grant : A proposal submitted by an individual or group that proposes some action with an estimate of cost and payment schedule. This contract is awarded to the entity that submitted the proposal if the grant is approved.

Bounty : A proposal submitted by an individual or group that proposes a payment for an achieved result. The bounty proposal should establish the desired outcome, state an award compensation amount with a payment schedule, and describe how interested parties can compete in the selection process for the bounty. The entity that submitted the proposal may or may not be the person(s) awarded the bounty contract.


I think it is essential that we have a general budget framework for the pDAO funds. I support the 30% allocation for grants/bounties but believe we need to budget the remaining portions so that we have a complete picture of the envisioned use of the pDAO funds. We don’t need to spend the other allocations yet but outlining what we anticipate using the pDAO treasury for would be very helpful. As an example:

  • 10% Reserve Treasury
  • 20% Immunefi Bug Bounty
  • 10% Marking (tradeshow, swag, advertising, etc.)
  • 10% Incentives (e.g., LP bonuses,
  • 20% Audits (e.g., major smart contract audits; Sigma Prime, Consensys, etc.)
  • 30% Grants and Bounties.

As the protocol matures, it would be helpful to know when (or if) there is a transition from the dev wallet to the pDAO wallet. Are there other costs (e.g., additional staff, server hosting, legal, etc.) that we need to budget for?