Revised GMC Split Proposal

After reviewing feedback the GMC has revised the proposal:

Committee Splits Revised

To accommodate oDAO fatigue and GMC expense issues.


  • Increase oDAO pay 1%
  • Increase GMC pay from $30 → $35 per hour and hours from 13 to 15 per month
  • Both of these at the expense of the treasury

GMC, at its discretion, can give a one time +X hours to members for business startup fees. This would be from the GMC budget

As an example, the last period of 2024 (approximately one month) will be used where the RPL inflation was 77888 RPL. At the time of writing RPL was a little over $10.

Currently, inflation is split:

  • NO: 70% (54522 RPL)
  • oDAO: 1.5% (1168 RPL)
  • pDAO: 28.5% (22198 RPL)

Shift 1% to oDAO from pDAO. This avoids GMC overhead of having to reimburse oDAO. The GMC is not against capping oDAO payments with increasing RPL value, but prefers action be taken sooner rather than waiting for this implementation.

New Split :

  • NO: 70% (54522 RPL) ← unchanged
  • oDAO: 2.5% (1947 RPL) ← +779 RPL (approx $8000 divided among 16 NOs)
  • pDAO: 27.5% (21419) ← -779 RPL

Next, due to business overhead for the GMC and increased workload, the GMC recommends two fixes, a stipend revision and one time reimbursement addition:

Stipend Revision (would come from increase in GMC split)

  1. Increase monthly hours from 13 to 15 per member (due to increased workload)
    Hours beyond this per individual can be dealt with on a per case basis by GMC
  2. Increase hourly pay from $30 to $35 per hour (due to increased yearly expenses)
    With the new hours, this increase covers new business expenses, it is not meant to compensate with a fair wage, but to not decrease stipend due to yearly fees, self-employment taxes, etc.

One Time Reimbursement (would NOT come from increase in GMC split)
The GMC may, at its discretion, offer a one-time reimbursement for business startup expenses by allocating a fixed dollar amount to eligible members. This reimbursement would be converted into an equivalent number of hours for the GMC rewards system. For example, if the reimbursement is $2,000 and members are compensated at a rate of $35 per hour, this would equal approximately 57.14 hours for one rewards cycle.

The reimbursement amount would be the same for all eligible members, regardless of individual circumstances, to ensure fairness and consistency. To maintain privacy, the claims process would be handled internally, with members providing details of their reimbursable expenses to the GMC. Claims would require an absolute majority approval from the GMC for processing.

This reimbursement would be funded from the regular GMC budget and would not require an increase in the GMC split. If deemed unnecessary in the future, this expense could be discontinued without impacting the GMC’s ongoing operational structure.

Split with new oDAO % copied from above:

  • NO: 70% (54522 RPL) ← unchanged
  • oDAO: 2.5% (1947 RPL) ← +779 RPL (approx $8000 divided among 16 NOs)
  • pDAO: 27.5% (21419) ← -779 RPL

Current pDAO splits (using number from above) :

  • pDAO: 21491 RPL →
  • IMC: 50% (11068 RPL)
  • GMC: 20.5% (4563 RPL)
  • Treasury: 29.5% (6567 RPL)

To make up for the stipend increase, the new pDAO splits would be :

  • pDAO 21491 RPL →
  • IMC: 51.7% (11068 RPL) ← unchanged
  • GMC: 21.9% (4685 RPL) ← +122 RPL
  • Treasury: 26.5% (5666 RPL) ← -901 RPL