Round 11 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications


:green_circle: Rocket Pool Summit Grant

Budget is modest and friendship is magic.

:red_circle: Research on Node Operator Succession Planning Solutions

I think something like this would be nice, but I don’t think it needs 30 hours tbh (let alone 30 hours for phase 1 of 3). I think 80-90% of the value is in an instructional document template that could prolly be done in 5 hours. My next step up from there would be using a Safe with social recovery. I worry more complex stuff isn’t actually better tbh (eg, buying a node but always having someone else with node keys and validator keys… eep. Also, $200 an hour is fairly steep.

:red_circle: Enhancing Rocket Pool Node Security using Sakundi Technology

I believe this is the 3rd application? Has anything changed? If so, that would be a great focus. I’m essentially assuming nothing’s changed rather than going back and playing “find the difference”.

:red_circle: Rocket Pool - Tidbits, Simulations, and Videos

No specific issue with these folks, but… do we have evidence that (a) our previous educational funding has translated to real impact, (b) there’s still a hole? If so, does this (c) addresses the hole and (d) likely get in front of the right people at the time it needs to be addressed? I would really like 4 “yes” answers in order to fund.

:green_circle::yellow_circle: RP Team Partnership (Patches)

So… if Patches wants it - let’s make it so. That said, I think one of the coolest things about Patches working on RP stuff is that he has been able to highlight things he believes are issues, even if the team doesn’t have that priority. I do think heightened team access is really beneficial.


:green_circle: RPIP Feedback Contribution

So this one’s interesting and I support this. There’s 2 things that are going on here.

In past governance facilitation work, I’ve put in roughly $500 per vote and explained it as “a fair amount for saying thank you to someone for doing something that we clearly need”. If we want to actually get folks to do work they otherwise wouldn’t, we need to push harder. By setting the bar on what “direction changes” and “feedback” are worth, it also sets the bar on RPIP work in general.

The other thing is that in previous work where I’ve thought others should be rewarded (eg), it’s felt like I’m trading off my rewards vs rewarding others. I’ve literally sat here and played with the numbers a whole lotta times. Here this is framing it differently – it’s saying “we’ll pay for the feedback on its own, and that’s not coming out of the author’s share”. I think this is very good.

:white_circle: Rocket Pool Release Process RPIPs

I have honestly not reached an opinion. This is really important. The price tag is really big. The topic is also really big and the DAO has limited attention span… with tokenomics stuff coming up, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have this ongoing at the same time (I suspect it could skate through with little attention). I might lean “against for now” based on the last.

[Will continue later…]