Round 12 - GMC Call for Retrospective Applications - Deadline is May 7

Name of Retrospective Award

Support Hours March - April

Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?


What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

The grant is for my time spent in the support channel since the initial retro grant. Since we have plenty of precedent for both methodology and format at this point, I’ll keep this short.

The initial retro did not have a rocketscape command attached, so I’m adding it here. rocketscrape -c support --include-threads -e 2024-03-02 contributors produces a time of 200h 18m to match the initial request for 200 hours. rocketscrape -c support --include-threads -s 2024-03-02 -e 2024-05-05 contributors shows an additional time of 79h 56m since then.

Are the subjects of this award entirely open source

All support messages are available for review.


See other support grants.


80 hours of work at the established rate of $90/h.

How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?


Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?


Conflict of Interest
