Round 13 - Call For Grant Applications - Deadline is June 7

Name of Grant

Marketing Rocket Pool through educational videos paired with incentive programs in Unitap

What is the work being proposed?

Integrate Rocket Pool onchain (or offchain) actions in Unitap’s Contribution Hub to create incentive programs and raffles targeted to strategic actions that benefit the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

In addition, we propose to create high-quality educational videos to explain key concepts about Rocket Pool and how to get started. We are scoping one 3D motion graphic conceptual video and multiple how-to-do videos.

The videos will be paired with the incentive programs to encourage staking in Rocket Pool, engagement with Rocket Pool socials, participation on the new RPL tokenomics or other activities deemed strategic by the Rocket Pool community.

The following is the proposed scope. However, we are open to modify it to better fit GMC goals and the overall interest of the Rocket Pool DAO.

1. Marketing and User Acquisition. 14,000 USD in RPL (4,000 USD for the high quality videos and marketing campaign and 10,000 USD for the Rocket Pool community in the form of incentives).

We want to demystify Rocket Pool mechanics by creating bite-sized and high-quality educational content paired with one or multiple incentive programs, each supported by a specific marketing campaign.

The educational content includes:
  • One 3D motion graphic conceptual video about RocketPool. Here is an example from one we did to demystify BrightID (link to be updated to prevent being banned)

  • Up to 4 four how-to-do videos showing how to use the Rocket Pool app. Here is an example from one we did to show how to get started in DyDx (link to be updated to prevent being banned)

Marketing campaign:

Launch a Twitter campaign based on the incentive programs with ecosystem partners, including Rocket Pool, Unitap, BrightID, General Magic, crypto educators and potentially others from the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

Incentive program:

We are proposing to distribute 10,000 USD in one or multiple incentive programs. Incentives can be distributed in Token Tap if we want to give small rewards to everyone who makes an onchain or offchain action until incentives run out, or raffles can be created on Prize Tap to give away larger prizes to a few lucky winners from a pool of people who take an action in favor of the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

Both Token Tap and Prize Tap are Sybil Resistant (they can be gated by BrightID or Gitcoin Passport). Here are some examples of incentive programs we could do:

  • Incentivize with 3 RPL the first 75 users that stake 0.1 ETH for rETH.
  • Ten raffles of 5 RPL for rETH holders with over 0.5 rETH.
  • Ten raffles of 5 RPL for NO.
  • Ten raffles of 5 RPL for new NO in a specific time frame.
  • Ten raffles of 5 RPL for RPL holders with over 1 RPL.
  • Five raffles of 5 RPL for new Rocket Pool followers on Twitter or Farcaster.
  • Five raffles of 100 USD to reward those who retweet or recast the most important Rocket Pool content.

These are suggested incentive programs, we are happy to work with the Rocket Pool committees and DAO to modify the mechanisms of the incentive programs and the coding of the specific requirements for Token or Prize Tap.

2. Rocket Pool integrations in Unitap’s contribution Hub. 4,000 USD in RPL.

For Rocket Pool-specific onchain (or offchain) actions, we would need to integrate the requirements into the Contribution Hub of Unitap platform. The development work to code the suggested integrations or equivalent development work is included in this grant proposal. More complex integrations might require additional funding.

This requirements can include, but are not limited to: Liquid staking of ETH in Rocket Pool, buying rETH, buying RPL, holding rETH, holding RPL, providing liquidity, owning POAPs, following Rocket_Pool on Twitter or Farcaster, Sharing/like a specific tweet or cast, minimum followers, minimum posts, etc.

Once these integrations are done, anyone will be able to set their own incentive programs whenever they want for free in less than 10 minutes.

Alternatively, anyone can code the integration and submit a pull request at no cost.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

This would be our first contribution to the Rocket Pool ecosystem. However, Unitap has been building this platform since 2022 and has successfully onboarded users to various Web3 ecosystems and Dapps through educational content, gas subsidies, and reward mechanisms. Previous integrations include BrightID, GloDollar, Optimism, Arbitrum and Linea.

Here are some metrics of Unitap:

Key KPIs:

  • 16,000+ unique users.
  • 150,000+ total claims
  • 12 Main Networks
  • 6 Test Networks
  • $10,000+ USD Distributed Fairly

Will the results of this project be entirely open source ?

Yes, Unitap uses the GPL-3.0 license.

Additionally, the deliverables of this grant are meant to become Rocket Pool public goods to benefit the community. The videos will be owned by the DAO and once these integrations are done, anyone will be able to set their own incentive programs using this integrations whenever they want for free in less than 10 minutes. Unitap will maintain these integrations.


Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders The educational content and incentive program will remove frictions and create incentives for new users to onboard Rocket Pool by staking ETH in Rocket Pool, making the process easier and more accessible.
rETH holders Raffles are being proposed for those holding rETH. Additionally, the educational content and incentive program can lead to more adoption and growth of the Rocket Pool ecosystem, this could create network effects like more liquidity of rETH.
Potential NOs Raffles are being proposed for new NOs. One of the how-to-do videos in this proposal could cover a guided onboarding for new Rocket Pool node operators
NOs Raffles are being proposed for new NOs. Existing node operators could see an influx of new participants
Community The Rocket Pool community will grow with educated, engaged participants, fostering a more vibrant and supportive environment. Additionally, other raffles are proposed for twitter/farcaster followers
RPL holders Raffles are being proposed for RPL holders. The value of RPL may increase due to targeted educational content, higher demand and broader adoption of the Rocket Pool protocol.

Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?



Who is doing the work?

The work will be carried out by the Unitap team.


  • Adam Stallard - Founder of BrightID, & Unitap. CTO at Bright ID. Steward Gitcoin.
  • Phillip Silva - Founder of BrightID & Unitap, CPO at BrightID. Director Hedge for Humanity.
  • Ali Lari - Founder Unitap, legal and financial officer.
  • Bastin (backend and contract dev) - Five year’s development experience.

Our team additionally consists of:

  • 3 back-end and contract dev
  • 2 front-end dev
  • 2 UI/UX designer
  • 2 Biz dev

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

We have been building Unitap since 2022. However, most of the team have prior experience in web3 & web2 development. Adam, Phillip, and many others have been in the blockchain space for 5+ years and contributed to reputable projects like BrightID and

We have run raffles and incentive programs for GloDollar, Linea and Optimism Communities.

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

  • Milestone 1 (1st week). Forum post to ask for ideas on what to highlight in the educational videos and what to rewards through the incentive programs.
  • Milestone 2 (3rd week). Deliver to the Rocket Pool team the scripts for the 3D motion graphic conceptual video about Rocket Pool and the how-to-do videos.
  • Milestone 3 (6th week). Deliver the how-to-do videos.
  • Milestone 4 (7th week). Finalized plan of the design for the Incentive Programs and marketing campaign.
  • Milestone 5 (8th week). Launch of the incentive program.
  • Milestone 6 (8th week). Co-marketing campaign.
  • Milestone 7 (10th week). Deliver the 3D motion graphic Rocket Pool conceptual video.

We would seek for insights and feedback from the community and DAO committees to ensure alignment in terms of content and incentive programs.

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?

Token Tap and Prize Tap are ready-made products. Additional work might be needed to code and test the onchain and offchain requirements that will be used to gate the incentive mechanisms. That work is already considered both in the budget and the schedule of this proposal.

Feedback from the Rocket Pool Committees or community will be considered for the creation of the educational content and the design of the incentive programs. The inclusion of feedback is also considered both in the budget and the schedule of this proposal.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

After finalizing the scope of the work, anyone from the Rocket Pool community will be able to keep using Token Tap and Prize Tap to create new incentive programs free of charge. These integrations will be a Public Good for the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

The Unitap team will maintain the integrations.


What is the acceptance criteria?

Successful integration of Rocket Pool onchain or offchain requirements to create incentive programs and raffles in Token Tap and Prize Tap.

Delivery of the Rocket Pool 3D motion graphic video and how-to-do videos.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

Total request is 18,000 USD (in RPL).

The proposed payment schedule is as follows:

  • 10,000 USD upon delivery of Milestone 3 (6th week). Creation of the how-to-do videos. (These funds will go to the Rocket Pool community through the incentive programs)
  • 4,000 USD upon delivery of Milestone 5 (8th week). Launch of the incentive program.
  • 4,000 USD upon delivery of Milestone 7 (10th week). Deliver the 3D motion graphic Rocket Pool conceptual video.

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

The incentives would be ideal in RPL. The rest of the funds we can accept them in the preferred token of the GMC.

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

Each milestone will be submitted to the GMC for feedback and approval. Additionally, we will create a Forum post to collect additional feedback and provide updates to the DAO.

The videos created will be public and will belong to the DAO.

The incentive programs will be live onchain and will be verifiable by anyone.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

This grant is a relatively low cost grant (18,000 USD) and 60% of the grant will go to the Rocket Pool community as incentives.

The content produced will be owned by the Rocket Pool DAO and the integrations with Unitap will allow anyone in the community to create more incentive programs free of charge.

We are not aware of any alternative that offers such a comprehensive and targeted marketing plan with the potential of creating more incentive programs with no cost in the future.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

There are no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

60% of this grant (10,000 USD in RPL) will benefit the Rocket Pool Community through incentive programs. The specific mechanism and parameters of the incentive programs will be determined in collaboration with the GMC, other committees or the DAO.

40% of this grant (8,000 USD in RPL) will go to Unitap to cover the costs of content creation, marketing and the integration of the onchain requirements.

Disclosure: Unitap and General Magic have a business agreement where General Magic provides Unitap Grants Management services. This service includes consulting, research support, grant writing and coordination. There is no upfront payment for this service, General Magic is only compensated upon success.

If this application succeeds, General Magic will receive 15% of the total grant.