Name of Grant
Patches Discretionary Development Budget
What is the work being proposed?
I’d like a fund to draw on to pay contributors for their work on smartnode and other core repositories. (Non-core repos such as rocketwatch, rescue node, etc are explicitly disallowed for the purposes of this grant).
Essentially mimicking my own grant, which I can use to be reimbursed for hours, but with the understanding that I am not the payee, I am merely coordinating contributions from other people who want to tackle small tasks but may not want to go through the application process.
I.e., certain tasks logged on github are pretty bite-sized, and not high priority for me. This fix is a decent example. While I will eventually get to it, I have higher priority work. My current relationship with the GMC doesn’t allow for “subcontracting”, but it would be nice to be able to pay someone for the handful of hours that this task will take.
Is there any related work this builds off of?
This grant is related: Round 11 - Call For Grant Applications - Deadline is April 7 - #6 by ShfRyn
Relatedly, @Invis recently paid @haloooloolo directly for Rocket Watch contributions. The process from start to finish for @haloooloolo was much simpler than if he had had to go through a retroactive grant or a bounty.
Will the results of this project be entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?
Yes, under the licenses of the respective repositories.
Group | Benefits |
Potential rETH holders | N/A |
rETH holders | N/A |
Potential NOs | Improved smart node |
NOs | Improved smart node |
Community | A lower-friction route to be paid for contributions |
RPL holders | N/A |
In addition to the above benefits, this smaller format for payable work should help onboard contributors who may go on to tackle larger bounties.
Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?
Who is doing the work?
Anyone who wants to contribute can do work, and I will coordinate the inclusion of their contributions.
What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?
What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?
How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?
By the person completing the tasks, and supplementally by the smart node maintainers as part of their continuous testing.
How will the work be maintained after delivery?
What is the acceptance criteria?
Essentially, I will keep a backlog of small tasks that need to be completed, and budget money to them. These are tasks I reckon are too small to warrant a bounty.
Anyone can complete them, and I’ll try to act as a sempahore to prevent duplicate work.
Once completed to my satisfaction, I’ll inform the GMC Admin that they were completed and that the funds should be paid out (and to whom).
What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?
In addition to my 40 hour weekly cap of billable hours, I’d like the ability to request the GMC direct up to $1000 per week towards these tasks, the equivalent of 10 patches-hours.
Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?
Ideally I’d let the payee choose, but RPL if that’s not workable for the GMC.
How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?
I expect the drawdown on this budget to be sporadic…
What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?
Conflict of Interest
Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).
Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?