Round 15 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is August 7

Name of Grant

BlockseBlock Hackathon for Rocket Pool

What is the work being proposed?

We will organize a hackathon for Rocket Pool where developers will build projects on Rocket Pool

Is there any related work this builds off of?


Will the results of this project be entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY) license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes projects submitted in this hackathon will be open sourced


Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders If the grant is successfully completed, will help in development of innovative tools, educational resources, and user-friendly interfaces that simplify the staking process for potential rETH holders. By fostering a collaborative environment for developers, we aim to produce solutions that make it easier for individuals to understand, participate in, and benefit from staking ETH with Rocket Pool. This increased accessibility and clarity will encourage more people to stake their ETH for rETH.
rETH holders If the grant is successfully completed, will drive the creation of new applications and services that enhance the utility and value of rETH. Participants may develop features like portfolio management tools, integration with other DeFi platforms, and improved staking dashboards. These innovations will provide rETH holders with better tools to manage their assets, track their rewards, and maximize their returns, thereby enhancing their overall staking experience.
Potential NOs If the grant is successfully completed, will produce resources and solutions tailored to onboarding new node operators, such as step-by-step guides, automated setup scripts, and user-friendly node management interfaces. By lowering the technical barriers and providing comprehensive support, the event will make it easier for individuals to set up and operate a Rocket Pool node, thereby expanding the network of node operators.
NOs If the grant is successfully completed, the hackathon will encourage the development of advanced tools and enhancements that improve node performance, security, and monitoring. Innovations could include enhanced analytics, better alert systems, and more efficient node management solutions. These improvements will help current node operators optimize their operations, reduce downtime, and increase their staking rewards.
Community If the grant is successfully completed, will strengthen the Rocket Pool community by fostering collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing among participants. It will create a platform for developers, stakers, and node operators to connect, exchange ideas, and work together on solutions that benefit the entire ecosystem. This collective effort will lead to a more vibrant, engaged, and empowered community, driving the growth and success of Rocket Pool.
RPL holders If the grant is successfully completed, will boost the overall utility and demand for RPL by generating new use cases, integrations, and innovations within the Rocket Pool ecosystem. As the network grows and becomes more robust, the value and importance of RPL in securing and incentivizing participation will increase. This, in turn, will benefit RPL holders by potentially enhancing the value of their tokens.

Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

This hackathon will be exclusive to Rocket Pool and will benefit the Rocket pool ecosystem only.


Who is doing the work?

The work will be conducted by the Blockseblock team. We have our experts and mentors who will take care of technical workshops along with hosting and organizing the hackathon.

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

BlockseBlock is a global hackathon hosting platform with a strong developer community in SE Asia. We are already a global hackathon platform for ICP blockchain. With our unique approach of providing personalized support to developers, we are helping thousands of builders start their projects in the web3 and blockchain domains. Some of the key stats of the platform:

  • 100,000+ developers
  • 600+ university partners
  • 100+ hackathons
    Success Story:
    One of our flagship events, the Blockbash ICP Hackathon, saw remarkable participation and success:
  • 3,500+ registrations
  • 1,400+ developers
  • 500+ projects submitted

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Planning and Preparation Phase

  • Finalizing hackathon theme and objectives.
  • Setting dates and timeline for the hackathon.
  • Creating marketing materials (images, social media posts, etc.).
  • Contacting potential partners.
  • Launching hackathon website and registration portal.
  • Preparing hackathon agenda and schedule.
  • Continuing promotion and registration drive.

Pre-Hackathon Phase

  • Hosting pre-hackathon workshops to prepare participants.
  • Sending regular updates to registered participants.
  • Closing participant registration.
  • Finalizing team formation and ensuring all participants are organized into teams.
  • Finalizing and sending hacakthon agenda to all participants and stakeholders.

Hackathon Phase

  • Mentorship sessions and progress check-ins.
  • Final coding and development push.
  • Submission of projects and presentations.
  • Judging and evaluation of submitted projects.

Post-Hackathon Phase

  • Follow-up with participants for feedback and testimonials.
  • Distributing prizes and certificates.
  • Sharing event highlights and success stories on social media and website.
  • Preparing and submitting a final report to Rocket Pool.

The entire duration from start to end will take 7-8 weeks

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?


How will the work be maintained after delivery?

After the hackathon, we will maintain continuous engagement with participants and encourage them to contribute actively to the ecosystem and further build their projects.


What is the acceptance criteria?


What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

We are requesting $12,500 over a period of 8 weeks. The payment schedule will be following:

  1. $6,250 in starting
  2. $3,125 after registration completion
  3. $3,125 after the projects delivery

Also additionally we are requesting $5,000 as the prize money for the hackathon which can be directly paid to winners.

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?


How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

We will share the project details submitted in the hackathon with the team.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?

We have created this proposal after maximum optimization on the cost front.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

Yes if this goes well it will help us attract new projects hosting hacakthons on our platform resulting in more revenue for us.