Round 16 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is September 7

Name of Grant

Cyfrin Updraft <> Rocket Pool: Accelerate Growth of Rocket Pool’s Node Operator Community and Drive Protocol Adoption with Targeted Developer Education

What is the work being proposed?

This proposal seeks to establish a strategic collaboration between Rocket Pool and Cyfrin Updraft to feature Rocket Pool prominently in Updraft’s Node Infrastructure course and the Liquid Staking module of Updraft’s Core DeFi course. Through this collaboration, we aim to:

  1. Conduct hands-on walkthroughs of Rocket Pool node setup and operation, generating a continuous pipeline of highly skilled node operators entering the Rocket Pool ecosystem, further contributing to the decentralization and growth of the Rocket Pool network.
  2. Equip developers with the technical skills and deep understanding needed to Integrate Rocket Pool and rETH into their dApps and build innovative solutions on top of Rocket Pool, accelerating its adoption within the Web3 developer community.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

The Node Infrastructure and the Core DeFi courses will be newly developed from scratch. However, we’ve already created over 100 hours of video and written lessons, covering topics from basic blockchain fundamentals to advanced smart contract security.

Cyfrin Updraft, led by Patrick Collins, has collaborated with industry leaders like Chainlink, Arbitrum, zkSync, Alchemy, and many more to drive adoption among Web3 developers and users. To explore our work, you can sign up for Cyfrin Updraft or check out the revamped Solidity course we relaunched and posted on YouTube last month.

Our quality has been endorsed by prominent figures in the industry, with testimonials available on our homepage. You can also see public feedback in the YouTube comments on the example video mentioned above.

Will the results of this project be entirely open-source

Yes, all of the Cyfrin Updraft courses and educational content are publicly accessible and completely free for developers. We’ve successfully educated over 100,000 developers, with many transitioning into professional web3 roles or launching their own dApps.


Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders Future rETH holders will benefit from heightened confidence in the security and reliability of the Rocket Pool network as a growing number of skilled node operators join the ecosystem. The expansion of platforms and dApps integrating rETH will further incentivize new users to adopt rETH, knowing they can leverage it across various use cases and benefit from its widespread acceptance. This strengthened ecosystem and enhanced security will make rETH a more attractive and valuable asset for future holders, driving more adoption.
rETH holders As more dApps integrate rETH, current holders will see a broader range of use cases and platforms where rETH can be utilized. With an increasing number of skilled node operators joining the network, the ecosystem will become more robust and secure, enhancing the overall stability of the ecosystem for rETH holders.
Potential NOs New entrants into the network will receive comprehensive training, making it easier for them to set up and manage their nodes effectively. This will help lower the barrier to entry and increase the number of qualified node operators, strengthening the network.
NOs Existing operators will gain advanced skills and insights into optimizing their nodes, enhancing their operational efficiency, security, and performance. The courses will also provide them with updated knowledge on best practices and emerging trends.
Community The overall health and growth of the Rocket Pool community will benefit from a more educated and engaged base of participants. As more developers and operators contribute to the ecosystem, it will lead to innovation, increased collaboration, and a stronger community.
RPL holders As the Rocket Pool network expands and operates more efficiently with a larger and more skilled group of node operators, the value of RPL could rise. Increased demand for rETH and a stronger, more secure network can drive up the value of RPL, benefiting current holders.

Which other non-RPL protocols, DAOs, projects, or individuals, would stand to benefit from this grant?

The grant and collaboration between Rocket Pool and Cyfrin Updraft will benefit a wide range of Web3 protocols, DAOs, and projects, particularly those focused on decentralized staking, node infrastructure, and DeFi. Integrating Rocket Pool into Cyfrin Updraft’s Node Infrastructure and Core DeFi courses will not only drive Rocket Pool’s adoption and expand the node operator base but also empower developers to push the boundaries of decentralized finance.

Participants and protocols such as Ethereum validators, MEV relays, and similar liquid staking platforms will benefit from the increased expertise of developers and node operators. These participants will bring innovative solutions and optimizations to staking and node infrastructure, contributing to the security and decentralization of the broader network.

DeFi protocols will also benefit as developers gain hands-on knowledge of integrating Rocket Pool’s rETH into their projects, creating new use cases in lending, borrowing, and liquidity provision. Moreover, Updraft’s education will foster thought leadership and spark innovation across the Web3 ecosystem, encouraging developers to explore and implement new ideas. This impact will ripple across adjacent protocols and projects, enhancing the ecosystem’s overall resilience, security, and innovation potential.


Our Commitment and Key Deliverables

Cyfrin Updraft will walk developers through a hands-on educational experience that prominently features Rocket Pool within its courses.

Our key deliverables and support throughout the collaboration include:

Core Educational Content and Modules

Node Infrastructure Course: Cyfrin Updraft will build the course which will equip developers with the essential tools and skills needed to set up, configure, and operate their own validator nodes. This comprehensive course covers everything from node setup and understanding Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) to securing, monitoring, and maintaining your infrastructure. Developers will gain the expertise required to successfully manage and optimize their node operations, ensuring robust, secure, and reliable performance. Throughout the course, and especially upon completion, we will emphasize the next step: becoming a node operator for Rocket Pool. We will actively promote Rocket Pool and guide our developers toward this immediate opportunity, helping to expand the network of Rocket Pool node operators and contributing to its growth.

Core DeFi Course: Cyfrin Updraft will develop comprehensive Liquid Staking modules and educational resources focused on Rocket Pool, equipping developers with in-depth knowledge of the protocol, including its deeper maths, codebase, features, capabilities, and advanced security mechanisms.

The detailed course outline will be coordinated with the Rocket Pool core team prior to launch to ensure it covers all necessary topics, equipping developers with the knowledge to leverage, develop, and safely interact with every aspect of the Rocket Pool ecosystem.

The contents will be shared with Cyfrin Updraft’s community, which includes hundreds of thousands of developers across platforms such as YouTube, the Cyfrin ecosystem, and our industry-leading smart contract development learning platform.

Educational Materials

Our comprehensive educational resources will include:

  • Video Content: Step-by-step walkthroughs of Rocket Pool’s contracts, maths, features, capabilities, and advanced security mechanisms.
  • Written Content: In-depth written materials aligned with video lessons.
  • Quizzes: Integrated into course modules, these optional quizzes let developers practice and reinforce their knowledge as they learn. They offer a low-pressure way to test understanding before moving on to more advanced topics.
  • Certifications: For those seeking formal recognition, certification exams are scheduled and monitored to ensure integrity. We implement tools to ensure a secure and credible exam environment.

Ongoing Content Updates and Maintenance

We recognize that the Web3 industry is dynamic, with protocols and client needs constantly evolving. To keep pace with these changes, Cyfrin Updraft is committed to providing ongoing updates and maintenance for the course materials. As Rocket Pool continues to evolve, our courses will be regularly updated to reflect the latest developments, ensuring that the content remains current, relevant, and aligned with the latest innovations in the protocol and ecosystem.

Developer Relations (DevRel) Support

As part of the collaboration, Cyfrin Updraft will provide Developer Relations (DevRel) support for Rocket Pool. This will include:

  • Feedback Management: We will actively manage feedback from developers and developers, addressing their questions, incorporating their input to improve the course experience, and sharing insights with Rocket Pool to further enhance the protocol and developer tooling.
  • Community Building: Our Developer Experience team will foster engagement with the developer community to ensure a continuous pipeline of new Rocket Pool node operators and widespread adoption of Rocket Pool and rETH, promoting technical education, ecosystem growth, security enhancement, and community involvement.
  • Community Engagement: Rocket Pool will be invited to participate in course discussion forums and community Q&A sessions with direct links to Rocket Pool’s own community engagement platforms.

Developer Ecosystem Growth

Cyfrin Updraft will contribute to growing Rocket Pool’s developer ecosystem by:

  • Encouraging developers to contribute to protocol enhancements, build dApps on Rocket Pool, and integrate Rocket Pool into their projects.
  • Promoting the immediate opportunity to become a node operator for Rocket Pool to our developers, helping to expand the network of Rocket Pool node operators, and contributing to its growth.
  • Promoting a deeper understanding of Rocket Pool’s security mechanisms, empowering developers and security researchers to contribute directly to protocol improvements or participate in future public audits.

Co-Marketing and Promotion

In addition to education, Rocket Pool will be included in our co-marketing efforts. These efforts include:

  • Displaying Rocket Pool’s logo prominently on Cyfrin Updraft’s educational site, showcasing Rocket Pool’s support for quality education and secure development.
  • Curating co-marketing campaigns for Rocket Pool’s Liquid Staking modules, including but not limited to pre-course launch, course launch, and post-launch campaigns. These efforts will attract new enrollments and keep current developers engaged.
  • Sharing Rocket Pool educational content and course promotion campaigns across Cyfrin Updraft’s marketing channels, including X (formerly Twitter), Discord, YouTube, LinkedIn, and the Updraft Newsletter.

Who is doing the work? What is the background of the person(s) doing the work? What experience do they have with such projects in the past?

Who We Are:

Cyfrin Updraft is the leading Smart Contract development education platform, hosting over 80+ hours of step-by-step, project-based Smart Contract development and security courses. These are led by our CEO, Patrick Collins, and taught by the world’s top blockchain engineers and security researchers—all completely free for developers. We’ve successfully educated over 100,000 developers in secure Solidity Smart Contract development, with many transitioning into professional web3 roles or launching their own dApps.

Cyfrin Team:

Cyfrin is founded and operated by some of the most prominent figures in the Web3 space:

  • Patrick Collins: One of the top Solidity educators worldwide, with more than 6 million views on his courses and ~160,000 subscribers across platforms. Former Developer Advocate Lead for Chainlink Labs.
  • Alex Roan: A veteran Web3 developer who has contributed to core DeFi infrastructure such as Chainlink, GMX, and Compound, securing billions of dollars in value. Former Lead Engineer at Chainlink Labs.
  • Hans Friese: One of the world’s top auditors, founder, and lead engineer of Solodit—ranked the #1 auditor on Code4rena in July 2023 and a reputable judge in public competitive audits.
  • Vitto Rivabella: Formerly leading Developer Experience at Alchemy, the popular Web3 infrastructure provider, and Alchemy University, educating tens of thousands of Web3 developers.
  • Mark Scrine: Formerly the Strategic Lead for Proof of Reserve at Chainlink Labs, leading integrations with protocols such as Circle, TUSD, Matrixport, Avalanche Bridge, BackedFi, and Swell Network.
  • Mikhail Karan: Cyfrin’s Head of Engineering, formerly a Lead Developer at Solarians, where he designed systems for interacting with Solana.
  • Don Dodge: A tech veteran with a past at Google, Microsoft, Groove, Napster, AltaVista, and more. He’s a startup investor, advisor, and board member.
  • Tasuku Nakamura: an expert in Solidity and Vyper, is the creator of “Solidity by Example,” one of the most trusted Web3 resources that has taught thousands to build secure, scalable smart contracts.

What We Have Built:

We’ve developed over 100+ hours of video and written lessons, covering everything from basic blockchain fundamentals to advanced Smart Contract security. These courses guide users through every step of the web3 development process. Throughout our courses, we’ve been actively promoting various tech stacks, providing complete walkthroughs and links to partner ecosystems.

We have collaborated with industry leaders like Chainlink, Arbitrum, zkSync, Alchemy, and many more to drive adoption among Web3 developers and users. To explore our work, you can sign up for Cyfrin Updraft or check out the revamped Solidity course we relaunched and posted YouTube last month.

Why Our Developer Education is the Best in the Industry:

Loved by hundreds of thousands, Cyfrin Updraft courses, taught by Patrick Collins and the world’s top blockchain engineers and security researchers, have reached millions of developers worldwide. Our platform has onboarded thousands into the web3 industry, including some of today’s most prominent protocol developers and founders.

Our ecosystem attracts top Smart Contract engineers and protocols, making Updraft a highly valuable, targeted, and engaged community of developers.

Our quality has been endorsed by prominent figures in the industry, with testimonials available on our homepage. You can also see public feedback in the YouTube comments on the example video mentioned above.

We don’t just build educational content; we cultivate highly skilled and engaged developer communities that last.

We teach a range of technical languages, including Python, JavaScript, and Solidity, focusing on building and deploying on web3 following best practices. We can provide examples of our content for reference upon request; however, we are limited in the number of links we can include in this submission.

Sign up to Cyfrin Updraft to watch the recently released courses

What is the breakdown of the proposed work, in terms of milestones and/or deadlines?

Course launch timeline:

  • Core DeFi course: November 2024
  • Node Infrastructure course: March 2025

How is the work being tested? Is testing included in the schedule?


How will the work be maintained after delivery?

Please refer to the details outlined in “Our Commitment and Key Deliverables” section above. The following topics describe how the work is maintained after delivery:

  • Ongoing Content Updates and Maintenance
  • Developer Relations (DevRel) Support
  • Developer Ecosystem Growth
  • Co-Marketing and Promotion


What is the acceptance criteria?

We are requesting a grant of $200,000 to support the comprehensive efforts required for research, development, production, and ongoing developer activation support. This funding ensures that we can deliver high-quality educational content and maintain active engagement with the developer community throughout the year.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much USD $ and over what period of time is the applicant requesting?

We request 40% of the total amount upfront ($80,000). After that, Rocket Pool has two payment options for the remaining 60%.

  1. The first option is to pay the full 60% ($120,000) when the course is officially launched.
  2. Alternatively, Rocket Pool can opt to break the remaining balance into monthly installments ($10,000) over 12 months, starting from the day the course is launched.

This flexibility ensures Rocket Pool can choose the payment structure that best suits its financial planning

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

We would like to request the payment denominated in LUSD.

How will the GMC verify that the work delivered matches the proposed cadence?

The GMC can verify our work once the courses are published. They will be hosted on the Cyfrin Updraft website and promoted through our marketing channels, including X (formerly Twitter), Discord, YouTube, LinkedIn, and the Updraft Newsletter.

What alternatives or options have been considered in order to save costs for the proposed project?


Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).


Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?
