Round 20 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is January 7

Rocket Rescue Node 2025 H1 Renewal

Note: For reasons previously discussed with the GMC, the Rescue Node is now operated by EthStaker. The Maintainers list is expanding to include Yorick, but otherwise will remain the same.

What work from the previous proposal was completed?

A few contributors who have been remunerated in separate RAs added new features:
We now support solo validators who use Smart Contract wallets, and the website now displays remaining quota to users.

What work from the previous proposal is ongoing or pending?

No ongoing work aside from usual maintenance and software refactors.

What work was not originally planned, but completed, if any?

(See above new features)

What work is newly slated since the previous proposal?

I’d like to update some of our code to improve startup times, but it’s generally all small stuff.

Are the results of this project entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts are not, and why not?

  • AGPLv3
    • rescue-proxy
    • guarded-beacon-proxy
    • rescue-api
  • MIT
    • rescue-ui
  • Closed Source
    • infrastructure
    • secrets

As a reminder, the infrastructure and secrets libraries are closed source, the former out of an abundance of caution, and the latter as a requirement. We don’t believe either of these to be a hindrance to a third party wishing to modify or run the service themselves.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

What metrics can you share on the success of the project?

The dashboard remains viewable at

At the time of writing, 13 node operators with 207 validators are using the rescue node. One solo staker with 4 validators is connected.

Access has been requested 2770 times, 2627 times by Rocket Pool NOs and 143 times by solo stakers.

This corresponds to 120 solo stakers and 1114 node operators.

In less specific terms, how has this project improved the Rocket Pool ecosystem or benefited the Ethereum ecosystem?

We continue to believe the project offers a safety net which helps differentiate Rocket Pool from other staking protocols and attract node operators.


Who has done the work, and have there been any changes to the team?

The original team is unchanged (see previous applications for exact breakdown).

We are adding Yorick to the list of Maintainers as part of our partnership with EthStaker.

We have received contributions from community members snocones and trainface

How have the individual constituents of the team been compensated?

Development and other contributions have been paid ad-hoc by retroactive grant.

The proactive grant only pays for the hardware costs of the rescue node.

Maintenance work is provided pro-bono.

Since the last renewal, the following payments have been made to @Patches to reimburse him for bills:

  • 07/01/24 $508.90 25.3701580338003 RPL
  • 08/01/24 $508.90 42.3096109078816 RPL
  • 09/01/24 $508.90 47.672131147541 RPL
  • 10/01/24 $508.90 47.516339869281 RPL
  • 11/01/24 $610.50 64.9468085106383 RPL
  • 12/01/24 $407.30 27.8667214012042 RPL

Note that in November, OVH over-billed us and provided a credit which is show in December.

The Multisig carries a balance of 79.789 RPL and 1524.45 USDC

At today’s prices, this is $2,515.48, which is enough to operate the Rescue Node until the end of May.

How has maintenance been performed since the delivery of the project?

Sysadmin tasks continue to be performed pro bono.

Development work since the last renewal has been from contributions who have independently had the opportunity to apply for RAs.

Payment and Verification

Have the acceptance criteria been met?

We believe so.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much RPL and over what period of time is the applicant requesting? Does this differ from the original approved amount?

Our previous grant paid $443 per cycle, which was targeted at depleting the multisig’s runway a little, as it had previously grown to over $4200.

This cycle, we’d like to request $650 per cycle, as we may need to do maintenance in the next 6 months that would otherwise deplete our runway.

Is there a measurable Return on Investment for the project?

Please see previous applications for the cost/benefit analyses, which have not materially changed since the start of the project. I have still never observed the rescue node operating at a loss to the protocol.

What is the breakdown of spending on development for the original grant vs. maintenance?

100% of ongoing funds continue to be put towards reimbursing costs.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

Ken serves on the GMC. Ken does not stand to benefit financially from this grant, and has never been paid for his work with us.

I am an investor in NodeSet,, and on the board of directors at EthStaker.

Yorick is a member of EthStaker.

Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

No, aside from solo stakers who have access to the rescue node.