Round 21 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is February 7

Name of Grant

Rocket Pool Validator Integration for ethseer

What is the work being proposed?

This project will integrate Rocket Pool validator monitoring into ethseer, creating an open-source monitoring solution for the Rocket Pool community. The integration will connect with Rocket Pool smart contracts to track node operator performance, validator status, and rewards in real-time through ethseer’s open-source infrastructure. Node operators will access comprehensive performance metrics through ethseer’s interface.

The correctness comparison will show three bars to see side by side the performance of the target RP operator, all RP operators and all validators on mainnet.

These attestation correctness scores will be given for four different time periods.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

This integration builds upon ethseer’s open-source existing blockchain explorer infrastructure, which currently provides comprehensive monitoring for Ethereum validators. Ethseer is less popular than beaconchain, but not for it less accurate. Just recently we discovered that the number of slashed validators in beaconchain and etherscan was wrong. We wrote a blog post explaining their errors and how to fix them. Please check our blog post in our webpage to see the details.

The implementation will be leveraged by Migalabs indexer (Goteth) to process Rocket Pool-specific data. This approach ensures consistent performance monitoring across different staking pools while maintaining the specific requirements of each. Goteth is also used by other teams and quite popular.

Will the results of this project be entirely open source?

Yes, all code developed for this integration will be released under the MIT license and published on GitHub. This includes indexer modifications, and frontend components developed specifically for Rocket Pool integration. Please visit our repository on github to see all our open-source tools (github com / migalabs)


Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders & rETH holders Access to transparent, real-time validator performance metrics.
Potential NOs Access to comprehensive network statistics and performance benchmarks to evaluate operational requirements and expectations before joining the network.
NOs Real-time monitoring of validator performance, rewards, and network metrics through a reliable, established platform. Enhanced visibility into individual and network-wide operational metrics.
Community Access to an additional open-source monitoring tool that enhances network transparency and provides valuable operational insights.
RPL holders Greater visibility into network health and performance metrics that may impact protocol value and growth.

Which other protocols would benefit from this grant?

The integration architecture developed for this project will serve as a template for other staking protocols seeking monitoring solutions. The open-source nature of the project allows other protocols to leverage our implementation for their own monitoring needs.


Who is doing the work?

MigaLabs (dot) io

What is the background of the person(s) doing the work?

Migalabs is a Blockchain ecosystem observatory. We have built and maintained open-source services within the Ethereum ecosystem, engaging in collaborations with teams Lido, Obol, Protocol Labs, and Attestant. Please visit the “Research Papers” section of our website as well as our Blog to see more details on all the work we have done in the community.

In addition, the founder and research leader of MigaLabs (Leo), is a core researcher of Ethereum and is deeply involved in the PeerDAS and FullDAS research, as well as in many P2P aspects: Profile - leobago - Ethereum Research

What is the breakdown of the proposed work?

The project will be completed in three phases over eight weeks:

Phase 1 (Weeks 1-3): Backend Integration

  • Smart contract integration
  • Indexer modifications
  • Database schema updates

Phase 2 (Weeks 4-6): Frontend Development

  • Node operator dashboard implementation
  • Validator performance metrics
  • Data visualization components

Phase 3 (Weeks 7-8): Testing and Documentation

  • Integration testing
  • Performance optimization
  • Documentation creation
  • Community feedback integration

How is the work being tested?

Testing will occur throughout development, including unit tests, integration tests, and community beta testing. The final two weeks are dedicated to comprehensive testing and refinement based on community feedback.

How will the work be maintained after delivery?

Our team will maintain the integration as part of ethseer’s regular maintenance schedule. Although the regular maintenance of Ethseer ensures the Rocket Pool community with this data, all major updates will be executed under new grant proposals with the goal of building a long-term relationship that benefits the Rocket Pool staking ecosystem.

Our intention is to do this project as a starting point, looking for a long-term collaboration between MigaLabs and RocketPool in which we continue delivering R&D products to RP, every time more and more finely tuned to the specific needs of RP.


What is the acceptance criteria?

The integration will be considered complete when:

  • All specified features are implemented and tested
  • Documentation is complete and published
  • Code is released under MIT license

What is the proposed payment schedule?

Total budget request: $8000 USD

  • 50% upon proposal acceptance
  • 50% upon final delivery

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

We request payment in LUSD.

How will the GMC verify delivered work?

We will provide regular GitHub updates and milestone demonstrations. Each phase will include documentation and results for review.

What alternatives have been considered to save costs?

We leverage existing ethseer and goteth infrastructure to minimize development costs and ensure long-term maintainability.

Have you already been compensated by the RP protocol?

No, we have not received any previous compensation from Rocket Pool.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose?

No conflicts of interest to disclose.

Will the recipient benefit financially if the grant is successful?

No direct financial benefits beyond the grant compensation. The integration will be freely available to all users.