Round 6 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

Implementing Monitoring of Ethereum’s P2P Network using AI models

This is significantly a cost-down of a previous proposal. Where the previous proposal suggested creating a new iteration of an AI monitoring solution AND making it easily accessible for RP NOs, this one focuses on making an existing AI monitoring solution accessible for RP NOs. I think the much lower sticker price does make this significantly more interesting from my PoV.

That said, I continue to have serious questions about (a) how common these issues are and (b) about what steps can be taken to mitigate issues if seen.

For (a): my understanding from the previous discussion thread is that there have been 2 anomalies (that may or may not have been attacks) observed across 2 user-months of testing.

For (b): if the only realistic solution to such an attack is to use something like vouch to have a separate listener and submitter nodes (as discussed here), then would we be better off funding work to make that setup easier rather than work that can only tell us we’re in trouble, but not get us out of it? Are there other effective solutions @Davidlerma? I’d like to understand what an average RP NO could realistically do if they did detect an issue?