Round 8 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

@Valdorff - This is Brianna from the EigenLabs team.

We are genuinely excited about this proposal and there is strong internal support for it within our team. At EigenLabs, we are deeply committed to the principle of decentralization, which has been a recurrent theme in numerous mechanism design talks we have given at Ethereum events (ETHCC, Restaking Summit, Columbia Cryptoecon, etc).

We completely understand your perspective and the concerns you may have regarding EigenLayer. Nevertheless, we have full confidence that once you know the people behind the labs and their inspiring vision for the future, your perception of the protocol will change as well. That’s why we would be happy to schedule a call with you to talk about the questions you’ve raised. This call can be open to all RPL community members who wish to participate as well. Let me know if you would like to do this :slight_smile:

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