What grant is being renewed?
ShfRyn’s POAPs
What work from the previous proposal was completed?
I proposed designing and distributing around 24 POAPs, with an average of 4 per month.
23 POAPs were designed and delivered. 1 POAP was designed for Rocket Split testers, but the project never reached the testing phase.
What work from the previous proposal is ongoing or pending?
There are 12 POAPs being designed for Rocket Fuel monthly contributions, which will bring the total amount of POAPs designed to 36.
What work was not originally planned, but completed, if any?
After completing the Rocket Fuel POAPs, I will have completed an extra 12 POAPs.
I also ran a raffle that I self-funded 3 RPL for the winner. Participants were given raffle tickets for every successful node update quest. 64 people participated. You can see the participant list here.
What work is newly slated since the previous proposal?
I propose the same parameters as last time. 24 POAPs over a six-month period, with an average of 4 POAPs designed and delivered per month.
Are the results of this project entirely open source ([MIT]
No, I retain the PSD files.
Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate
What metrics can you share on the success of the project?
The primary node operator upgrade project receives about 35~50 upgraders within a 24 hour period.
Other events were held such as:
- highlighting specific community members (dysby, mambosan, fornax)
- buying parties where tons of people participate in buying RPL for a POAP (el presidank, ramana)
- event participation (holesky, rocket split, rpip-30, gmc)
You can see a full breakdown of all the POAPs designed and distributed here.
In less specific terms, how has this project improved the Rocket Pool ecosystem or benefited the Ethereum ecosystem?
POAP is an invaluable tool for community building. I am extremely active in the community and it’s important to have someone that can quickly organize POAP events when the opportunities arise.
Who has done the work, and have there been any changes to the team?
How has maintenance been performed since the delivery of the project?
ShfRyn encourages community members to view his progress and propose POAP event ideas here.
Payment and Verification
Have the acceptance criteria been met?
What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much RPL and over what period of time is the applicant requesting? Does this differ from the original approved amount?
I am requesting $500/mo for six months.
Is there a measurable Return on Investment for the project?
What is the breakdown of spending on development for the original grant vs. maintenance?
Conflict of Interest
Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).
I am the GMC administrator.
Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?