2024-05 IMC Nomination Thread

Alignment Statement

The main bit of alignment is that I quite like RP. I think it has the potential to be great for Ethereum health, it allows broader participation than solo staking, and I think there are many tough problems to solve along the way (I like problem solving :shrug:).

Secondarily, I have significant-to-me exposure to RP both via RPL and minipools.

Conflict Statement

I don’t do the “tribe” thing too much. I have provided feedback to Lido, and sought feedback from Lido contributors. I have provided feedback to Stader and Stakewise.

I have held SWISE off and on (thought in very small amounts compared to RPL). Further afield I also hold BTC, and several Cosmos tokens (ATOM, SCRT, JUNO, OSMO, AKT).

I have worked with a variety of web3 partners (both through IMC and not) and have definite preferences about working with some for not-purely-protocol-finances reasons. I think it’s appropriate to consider smooth working relationships.

I don’t see any of the above as conflicts, but it’s as close as I come.

Identity Statement

I’m a mid-30s senior engineer. I currently work in IoT and have previously worked in semiconductors.

I don’t plan on fully doxxing, but am happy to coarsely answer most questions about myself that come up.

Contribution Statement

Frankly, I do too many things.

I have been de facto IMC lead, de facto RPIP editor lead, am extremely active on the technical strategizing side of the pDAO, and am extremely active in governance in several ways (writing RPIPs, writing vote text, getting things attention, providing feedback, …). I talk to a ton of protocols both with and without my IMC hat, help people in #general (intro stuff) and #trading (more technical stuff), and shitpost a ton.

I do want to continue to be active in the IMC. That said, I’m hoping there is a good opportunity for me to ease up some. That could look like one or more of: passing on the formal treasurer role (it’s actually pretty narrow and focused on the budget and report posts), having someone else make and post transactions some or all of the time, taking on less of the “partner talking” work, taking on less of the internal “leading discussions” work.