2024 GMC Nomination Thread (Year 3)

Alignment Statement

My only involvement with crypto is ETH and Rocket Pool. I’ve been part of the Rocket Pool community for over 2 years now and have absolutely loved every minute of it. The jokes, the lively conversations, the bi-weekly meetings…and maybe even a shrimp pic shared to scammers. I truly want wants best for Rocket Pool as I know it aligns so well with ETH’s mission of decentralization. I will do my best to move Rocket Pool forward.

Conflict Statement

-I am a Rocket Pool node operator
-I work a 9 – 5 for a financial institution with no ties to crypto (not for my lack of trying)
-I have received grants in the past, (and most likely the future) for my work in the #support channel
-I may run a NodeSet Node in the future, if they let me :blush:

Identity Statement

My entire career has been in IT. I started out on helpdesk as most do. Within a couple years, I moved to the Server and Storage team where I managed Enterprise SANs, failover clusters, and hundreds of servers. This knowledge and experience provided me with the opportunity to become a manager at my company. While I enjoyed my 12 years on the server and storage side, an opportunity to move into cybersecurity arose that I couldn’t pass up. I’ve been in the cyber security role for 3 years now, and Love it as much as my time with Rocket Pool.

I started out like most buying Bitcoin and learning about it. But my interactions with Bitcoin communities were not the most friendly, specifically when asking questions and trying to learn more. So, as I researched ETH, I loved the way ETH wasn’t scared to admit when there were issues, and also have all these discussions out in the open for everyone to see. I knew this was a community that aligned more with my values and the rest is history.

I found Rocket Pool when I started to learn about ETH staking, but I knew I wouldn’t have the 32ETH required. So when Atlas was around the corner, I did everything I could to get comfortable with the process. I have been running a RP Node since Atlas launch day and its has been amazing.

Contribution Statement

The Rocket Pool community helped me so much when getting started, I wanted to do what I could to give back. This led me to the #support channel, where I now answers as many questions as possible that I know the answer to. And when I don’t know, I bug Halo or Patches as I want to help the person asking the question as quickly as possible.

I also created a handful of YouTube videos when Atlas was launching, showing the entire process of spinning up a Rocket Pool node. I wanted to show people how easy the process was.

Preferred Subcommittee:

No Preference

Additional Information

I do work a 9 – 5 in the CST time zone, but my evenings and weekends are free to join calls and perform the duties of a GMC member.