Bounties - June 2024

On April 24, the Rocket Pool protocol DAO passed RPIP-39, which allow the Grants Management Committee to pay out incentives to community members engaging with the bounty system. This breaks more complex bounties into three distinct parts:

Bounty Proposal
A high-level bounty idea that requires more work before it can be adopted by the GMC. The goal of the bounty proposal is to convince the GMC that this idea is worth the effort and funding to pursue. Proposal requirements are easy to meet to encourage community engagement. Bounty proposals are the ‘quick and dirty’ path for community members to suggest a bounty idea to the GMC.

Bounty Definition
A detailed and well-defined bounty specification that can be adopted by the GMC. The goal of the bounty definition is to communicate the content and terms of the bounty to bounty hunters. Community members may provide a bounty definition alongside their bounty proposal, it may be created by the GMC, or submitted by a separate community member. Bounty definitions are the ‘tick all the boxes’ path for community members to get their bounty adopted by the GMC.

Bounty Support Contact
An individual who acts as a supporter and point of contact with bounty hunters for a given bounty. This may be the bounty proposal author, a member of the GMC, or another community member. The bounty support contact’s goal is to support and liaise with bounty hunters so that they are better able to deliver the work specified in the bounty definition. Bounty contacts are listed in bounty definitions.

Aside from the now streamlined proposal incentive, the GMC is now seeking assistance externally for bounty definitions and bounty supporters.

On June 4, the GMC approved the following bounty incentives:

  • Proposal Incentive $50
  • Definition Incentive 2%, minimum $75
  • Support Incentive 2%, minimum $50

Currently the GMC is seeking a definition for:

You can find the bounty definition template here.

If you are interested in writing a definition please post your submission or questions here, or reach out to the GMC within their dedicated server.