ETH Denver Volunteer Claim (RA022312)

Hello Rocket Poolers!

In May 2023, the Grants/Bounties/Retrospective Awards committee approved RA022312 for ETH Denver Volunteers. We’re currently in the process of paying out to 46 community members who volunteered at ETH Denver, using the POAP list for attendance confirmation available here: POAP Gallery

The GMC is offering a one-week opportunity for anyone who volunteered at ETH Denver but didn’t receive the POAP. To submit a claim, simply post your Discord username below, your POAP wallet address, and the shift you volunteered. Once two GMC members who also attended the conference verify your attendance, we will add you to the second list of payment awardees. The claim submission window ends on September 20 at 23:59 UTC. We want to ensure everyone gets the recognition they deserve.

Please note: If you are on the POAP list, do not submit a claim.


Edit: I removed my post as I was mistaken. I did, in fact, get the POAP then, and the RPL this morning. I had forgotten what wallet I used to claim, and in my haste to get on my return flight from permissionless I did not scan all the way through the recipients list to confirm. Late night + not enough coffee = brain no work-y.

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The window to claim participation as a volunteer at ETH Denver has closed. Thanks again to all the volunteers at ETH Denver 23.

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this was a nice surprice - not at all needed but thank you GMC !!!