Fringe Finance integrates RETH as capital and collateral asset

Fringe Finance is excited to announce the integration of Rocket Pool (rETH) as the capital and collateral asset on Ethereum.

New opportunities for rETH holders

:small_blue_diamond: Earn interest
:small_blue_diamond: Use as collateral for borrowing
:small_blue_diamond: Amplify exposure
:small_blue_diamond: Margin trade

rETH Lending and Borrowing

Put your rETH to work with the Fringe lending platform by lending it out to borrowers or using your Rocket Pool ETH as collateral to borrow other crypto assets.

Amplify your rETH position

Are you bullish on rETH? Amplify your position with this asset in a single operation. Specify the leverage, and Fringe Finance smart contracts will handle everything else.

Margin trade with rETH
Specify the long and short assets, your desired exposure, and leverage.

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