GMC 2024/03/01 - 2024/03/31 Treasury Report

Here is a link to the treasury sheet - GMC Treasury Sheet - Google Sheets

Funds at Start Inflows Payments Diversification (LUSD) Outflows (Total) Funds at End
56,282.02 4072.796 2,086.07 0.00 2,086.07 58268.74
LUSD Funds at Start LUSD Inflows LUSD Payments LUSD Funds at End
103,991.61 0.00 0 103,991.61

In March, the GMC did not transfer RPL for LUSD due to a larger transfer made in the previous month, mainly driven by catch-up payments. Additionally, their RPL inflow (4072.796) was received later in the month, after payments were processed on the 20th. This month saw fewer payments compared to the average. For a comprehensive overview of GMC spending trends over time, refer to the latest GMC report available here.