GMC 2024/07/01 - 2024/07/31 Treasury Report

Here is a link to the treasury sheet - GMC Treasury Sheet - Google Sheets

The GMC is working on an updated treasury report to better categorize funding categories and allocations.

Funds at Start Inflows Payments Diversification (LUSD) Outflows (Total) Funds at End
59,133.60 4478.65 1,456.63 895.73 2,352.36 61,259.89
LUSD Funds at Start LUSD Inflows LUSD Payments LUSD Funds at End
$ 123,716.44 $ 14,980.08 $ 11,193.00 $ 127,503.52

The GMC has some large expenses coming up with the recently approved tokenomics applications and Rocketlend.