GMC Membership Selection 2024-2025

We’ll be selecting a new roster of nine GMC members. Use this thread to share your feedback or ask questions for the nominees.

The list of nominees is:

  • Destroyaaa
  • dondo
  • Dr Doofus
  • Ken
  • Kevster
  • Leighm.eth
  • LenofTawa
  • Looking For Owls
  • ramana
  • sckuzzle
  • Snocones
  • Steely
  • Waq

In order to help inform your choices, please refer to:

Per RPIP-10:

  • Voters MAY split their vote however they wish. If the voter has no specific split they wish to follow, it is RECOMMENDED that they evenly split their weight among their top N candidates, where N is the desired number of of members on the committee.
  • For full voting process, see the “Management Committee Selection” section of RPIP-10.

As I’ve mentioned before, I think all GMC members in Year 2 have been fantastic contributors, and the DAO would be in excellent shape if they all continued. However, with some members stepping down, there’s also value in bringing in fresh perspectives.

I’ll keep refining my votes as we go along. My current voting priorities are as follows (in order of importance):

  • Ensuring each subcommittee has a strong balance and representation (development, research, marketing). I believe it’s essential to have at least one returning member in each subcommittee to provide continuity in past discussions, application decisions, and accumulated experience.
  • Member availability
  • Enthusiasm from members who genuinely want to serve.

All right… here’s my votesplanation for GMC membership.

In particular, I’m trying to opine a bit here, not just say “y’all are great”. I agree that the GMC has rocked the last year and got a great candidate slate here.

Some thoughts:

  • I think marketing is gonna be a big thing; laying down foundation and the beginning of execution post Saturn 1 will be under this GMC

On to candidate thoughts:

  • @sckuzzle is gonna get the most weight from me. Data focus is something they’ve brought to a lot of research conversations. I think this will be great to have on the research subcommittee. I also would love to see the marketing subcommittee reach out to sckuzzle for help, eg, “how can we measure impact” or “can we track investments in X over time”?
  • @Kevster.eth and @waqwaqattack get the “passionate marketing subcommittee” votes for me
  • @drdoofus and @lookingforowls have a track record and subcommittee flexibility – I find it likely that our needs will be in flux, so having some shuffle openness/ability is really cool
  • @Snocones and @LenOfTawa.eth are my less established picks. They both have contributed to RP in other ways. Sno offers flexibility in his post. Len offers time availability in his post.

I’m gonna weight like 4/3/3/2 for the respective bullets.
Also: @epineph I miss you already.

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