With the merge looming ahead, depreciation of the fallback client options, and general fatigue with regular pruning, I decided to migrate my chain data from a 1TB to 2TB SSD (installed on the same device.) I’ve seen multiple people asking for a guide on how to do this in the RP discord, so wrote up the steps I took. I’d appreciate any feedback from the seasoned Devs here to make improvements to the draft and we can hopefully get some manifestation of this uploaded to the Rocketpool Docs.
At a certain point, Rocketpool node operators using a 1TB SSD will need to upgrade to a 2TB SSD (or larger) even if regularly pruning. You can follow these steps to migrate your docker containers to a secondary SSD mounted locally, without re-syncing the the entire blockchain from scratch.
Stop rocketpool to shut down the docker containers:
`rocketpool service stop`
Then check for the docker root directory field by pulling up general docker information:
`docker info`
The default for an Ubuntu installation is var/lib/docker. Now that you know where to copy the docker volumes from, docker can be fully shut down:
`sudo systemctl stop docker`
Follow the rocketpool guide for mounting and formatting your new drive in the Rocketpool docs. Make sure to take note of the drive path you’ve chosen for the new drive (e.g. mnt/rpdata)
Now you can run rsync to copy your existing docker containers to the new drive:
`rsync -avxP <docker root directory> <new drive path>`
It should look something like this:
rsync -avxP var/lib/docker mnt/rpdata
Note: rsync is included by default by most linux distributions, but if you do not have it for whatever reason, you can install it with the command:
`sudo apt install rsync`
The file transfer will take some time depending on read/write speeds. Once it is completed, follow the rocketpool guide for creating a .json file pointing docker to your new mount point:
Now start up docker to reload the system deamon:
`systemctl start docker`
It’s a good idea at this point to make sure that the docker images are now referencing the new mount point. Run the command:
`docker images`
Now check for an image id entry corresponding to a rocketpool docker repository (any of them should work) and use the following command to check its file location:
`docker inspect <image_id> | grep WorkDir`
The returned “WorkDir” path should start with your new drive’s mount point (e.g. “/mnt/rpdata/docker/…”) At this point, you can restart the Rocketpool service:
`rocketpool service start`
Keep an eye on your validator and make sure that it starts attesting as usual. If you had Grafana set up previously, it should automatically start reflecting the new drive’s storage space. Congratulations on all that fresh silicon!