IMC Period 27 Report; Period 28 Budget

Hi all!

I’m taking over for Val as the IMC treasurer :smiley:

Report 27

Important points:

  • IMC continued spending budget cut (by calculating values with artificial 0.005 RPL/ETH ratio)
  • Cakepie Arbitrum coincentives wound down, IMC only spent there on the first fortnight
  • ~11k of RPL inflows, ~12k of RPL outflows
  • I added a couple of rows to help with budgeting:
    • RPL balance change: Period 27 saw a -21.35% change from ~4.3k RPL to ~3.4k RPL
    • Extrapolated months to zero RPL balance: Period 27 shows 3.68 months left, i.e. if inflows/outflows continued at this rate we would only be able to meet our budget goals for 3 more months before running out of RPL balance reserves to pull from

Budget 28

Important points:

  • IMC continued spending budget cut (by calculating values with artificial 0.005 RPL/ETH ratio)
  • Highlighted in orange are further cuts to spending so that our inflows are greater than outflows (RPL balance change is positive / we can continue to achieve budget goals indefinitely). The cuts include:
    • Optimism
      • Activity on the chain has been lagging a bit compared to other L2’s, especially Base)
      • HH Aura Market (rETH/WETH) - Cut spending from 1.2 ETH per fortnight to 1 ETH per fortnight
    • Mainnet
      • These are our biggest spenders so it made sense to cut here… our LP’s have been relatively insensitive to our spending cuts thus far (more on that at the bottom)
      • Cakepie (rETH/ETH) - Cut spending from 5.8 ETH per fortnight to 5.5 ETH per fortnight
      • Paladin Aura Market (rETH/ETH) - Cut spending from 17.9 ETH per fortnight to 17.3 ETH per fortnight
  • I also updated/recalculated our non-RPL and POL assets value… These were manually calculated previously, and since they are mostly ETH denominated and RPL/ETH has been down - we actually have ~2x more TVL than previously depicted. No changes were made to the actual positions, I just updated the value tracked in our budgets.

Data - 1% Price Impact



:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
Thanks for taking over :slight_smile: