Hi all,
Summary below:
Report 32
Important points:
- Maintained a lower Optimism (rETH/WETH Hidden Hand Aura Market) spend of 50 RPL instead of 200 RPL while the 3 month Optimism campaign is active
- IMC continued spending budget cut (by calculating values with artificial 0.005 RPL/ETH ratio)
- ~11.2k of inflows, ~10.7k of outflows
- Budgeting summary:
- RPL balance change: Period 32 saw a +18.9% change from ~2.5k RPL to ~2.9k RPL
- Extrapolated months to zero RPL balance: Period 32 shows “-” since we have a balanced budget (slight surplus), and can continue to spend at this rate indefinitely
- I also updated our POL section, as of today we have a value of ~12.7k RPL deployed (including a good amount of ETH denominated funds).
Budget 33
- Should be the same as Period 32
Data - 1% Price Impact
- Liquidity looks stable on mainnet
- Still have an uptick in liquidity on Optimism
- IMC tracking spreadsheet: IMC tracking - Google Sheets
- IMC RPL tracker: https://dune.com/queries/3209520/5365584
- 1% price impact tracker (assumes RP smart contracts not used): rETH Slippage for IMC