Information about Rocketpool grant

My name is Arif, and I handle marketing and grants for DappLooker. I want to apply for Rocketpool Grant. I went through the forum. I still have some queries regarding the grant. I would like to understand it better. Getting clarity on text is a little difficult. Can we please discuss it over a short call?
You can schedule a meeting from here Calendly - DappLooker

Not sure you’ll get much traction being that general. You can probably get answers to specific questions, or a review of an early draft easily tho.

Okay . I’ll do that

We’re eagerly looking forward to the grants program. For those who may not be familiar with Dapplooker, we are a no code multi chain blochain analytics platform. We aim to empower everyone to easily understand smart contract data, do analytics and easily build beautiful charts and dashboards.

We are confident that Dapplooker is the best analytics platform out there, and we invite you to check out our platform and see for yourself. Check our website at

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