In the process of setting up a test network and tried to join discord server to get Geoerli ETH but the bot, Wick, won’t let me join the rocket pool discord server. Can someone set me an invite. Thanks
Here is the link to join. Rocket Pool
I’ll alert the mod Kron as well.
Have them try again.
Trying to join discord but Wick is quite the effective bouncer…. My username is ukve
I cant join I dont understand this discord it keeps kicking me out of the channel?
How can I joing the discord please
hey there, are you still trying to join? we can help to turn off the filter. send me a dm on discord Nick Ashley#3797
@maverick is an RP employee fyi
Yes still trying I think below is the user name
Send a dm to @maverick
Here? How do you dm a discord channel?
DM maverick - he posted his tag above
How can I get in to the channel?
- Go to
- Click
Add friend
- Send a friend request to
Nick Ashley#3797
- Send him a message after he accepts you requesting to join the rocket pool channel.
This message is for @maverick - thanks for sending me a link tonight to try to join the discord server without getting kicked off by the bot.
I clicked the link, it opened the discord app and asked me to log in. When I logged in, it said my discord account had been disabled for violating their TOS. So I couldn’t reply to your DM. I have put in a ticket with Discord. Any idea why the link you gave me might have triggered a TOS violation?
Hey there, that’s strange, feel free to DM me to discuss further and maybe we can help. @nickashley on telegram or @NickAshleyNZ on twitter.
I am having a similar issue with discord. Wick keeps booting me.
There’s a bot called Wick for verification, but it doesn’t load any captcha for me.
“[loading icon] Preparing verification…”
What should I do?
Activating the first setting under “Text & Images” “[x] Display Images, Videos and LOLCats when posted as links to chat” fixed it
I am not able to join the discord server after clicking the link posted above as well as on official website docs. Can someone please provide an updated link? Thank you
The link is still
If you’re getting booted by a bot, DM me your discord username including the #0000 bit and I’ll get an admin to allowlist you.