What grant is being renewed?
Rocket Pool Animations // Grant Application #23 by me (Sleety) here
What work from the previous proposal was completed?
I have completed 4 out of 6 proposed animations so far.
[1/6] Rocket Pool Protocol Overview Thread [link]
[2/6] Atlas Upgrade Overview Thread [link]
[3/6] Guide to Node Operation animated thread [link]
[4/6] Guide to rETH animated thread [link]
What work from the previous proposal is ongoing or pending?
Ongoing, 2 more animated threads scheduled complete within the next 45 days.
[5/6] July
[6/6] August
What work was not originally planned, but completed, if any?
I originally proposed 8 animated GIFs per thread, which would have been 32 GIFs in total to date, but I have actually completed 59 GIFs in 4 threads. I found that summarising a topic in 8 short animations was overly ambitious and I needed to produce more to cover these topics thoroughly.
- Guide to rETH animated thread (14 animations)
- Guide to Node Operation animated thread (16 animations)
- Atlas Upgrade Overview Thread (13 animations)
- Rocket Pool Protocol Overview Thread (16 animations)
What work is newly slated since the previous proposal?
I am proposing renewal of the grant for 6 additional months of Animation Threads (12 months in total). I have covered the obvious topics of Rocket Pool 101, rETH, Node Operation and the Atlas Upgrade. I can explore lots more topics if my grant is renewed.
Future topics include areas such as RPL reward mechanism, Deposit Pool mechanism, Rocket Pool metrics, community tools, DeFi integrations, oDAO/pDAO mechanics, upcoming protocol upgrades (Saturn?)
Are the results of this project entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts are not, and why not?
Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate
What metrics can you share on the success of the project?
To date the project has earned 100,000 impressions on Twitter and has a remarkably high average engagement rate of 4.6% (0.5-1% is average, 1% is excellent).
Collage of Twitter metrics:
In less specific terms, how has this project improved the Rocket Pool ecosystem or benefited the Ethereum ecosystem?
I believe these animations and their accompanying tweets have been effectively shared throughout Crypto Twitter and reached many people who were unaware, curious or uninformed about Rocket Pool.
The threads so far have been high-level / 101-type beginner guides and can serve as a resource for anyone looking to become a node operator, liquid staker or share protocol concepts with interested parties.
Selection of Twitter Comments:
My god I love these animations. Such a nice visual for covering DeFi topics like this thread on Rocket Pool - @Defi_Dad
These animations should be embedded into the rocket pool website. - @ ethMaxi
Phenomenal animations! - @ Jasper
Great thread as allways! - @ lame.eth
This is THE greatest succinct explanation of RocketPool-based staking vs other options. - @ LogicBeach
Great thread, love the animations - @ rumseth
This is some of the best info on Rocket Pool - @ Waq
Super cool thread explaining @Rocket Pool. Awesome Job! - @ direct
Se volete approfondire nel dettaglio Rocket Pool ATLAS vi consiglio la lettura di questo thread - @ crypto_ita2
Gorgeous visual representation of how it all works to create a harmonious decentralized staking solution. - @ Jasper
A beautiful, animated explainer on how rETH works and its advantages. Please share. - @ pat_mcnichol
Visual learners are very happy today. - @ Digitized_Eric
I wish I was this creative – what an awesome thread. Bookmark this for whenever you need to explain how Rocket Pool works. - @ eth_wise
Who has done the work, and have there been any changes to the team?
How have the individual constituents of the team been compensated?
$1250 per month / 33 RPL
How has maintenance been performed since the delivery of the project?
Payment and Verification
Have the acceptance criteria been met?
I believe I have met and exceeded the acceptance criteria so far.
What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much RPL and over what period of time is the applicant requesting? Does this differ from the original approved amount?
I am requesting the same payment & payment schedule. $1250 per month for an additional 6 months.
Is there a measurable Return on Investment for the project?
What is the breakdown of spending on development for the original grant vs. maintenance?
Conflict of Interest
Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).
Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?