July 2023 GMC Treasurer Update

Hello everyone, I have a GMC treasury update—the first one since March! I apologize for the delay, as I hadn’t been officially onboarded, I had to piece together the accounting and treasury process to bring you this update. Moving forward, I will ensure the GMC Administrator is committed to posting these updates on or around the last day of each month.

Here is a link to the treasury sheet - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dMtHJ4sffBidSN5RphLYC9A5HrsRNqHfqLVn-nJR104/edit#gid=1743976156

The headline numbers from the GMC’s activity in July are as follows:

Date: Funds at Start Actual Inflows Actual Outflows Funds at End Committed Future Funds as of the First Day of the Month:
July 1, 2023 57107.67 3,285.72 186.12 60207.27 7832.23