Hello everyone! We have concluded discussions and scoring for the July 2023 Grants/Bounties/RA Award Round. I’m happy to announce the following award winners. For those who did not receive an award, please note that applicants are welcome to re-apply. Given the likely passage of RPIP-26, the next cycle is likely to start September 1.
This post also begins the fourteen-day clock during which, according to RPIP-15, “[a]nyone MAY file an RPIP disputing a grant, bounty, or retrospective award within two weeks of the announcement of recipients. Such an RPIP SHALL be subject to a snapshot vote.” Any awards not subject to such a challenge will become official on Aug 15 at 23:59 UTC.
Proposal Scoring Process
Awards were denominated in USD for the purposes of committee discussions and voting on finalized award amounts. Awards were then converted to RPL at the current ratio ($30/RPL) as of shortly before this posting (and then rounded up to the nearest RPL).
Awards, Average Overall Scores, and Feedback
Below is the list of award recipients, along with any specific information on the payout structure, the acceptance criteria (for grants), and any other notes that the committee wished to have as part of the official documentation for the decision. The average score - from 1 to 15 for grants and bounties and 1 to 5 for retrospective awards - is also listed. You can also find this in Google Sheets here . That Google Sheet also contains anonymized feedback from committee members to the applicants/community for each submission. mentor.eth and [object Object] did not score but they were a part of the video discussions. Kevster.eth did not score and recently vacated his GMC seat.
Number | Proposer | Title | Awarded? | Amount (RPL - RPL at $30/RPL) | Amount (USD) | Pay structure | Other | Acceptance Criteria | Average score |
GA032301 | polarpunklabs | Rocket Pool Case Study | Yes | 100 | $3,000 | $3,000 (100 RPL) up front | Upon receipt | 12.25 | |
GA032302 | Patches | Renewal: Rescue Node | Yes | 180 | $5,400 | $900 (30 RPL) a month / 6 months | Verification of upkeep | 15.00 | |
GA032304 | ShfRyn | ShfRyn’s POAPs | Yes | 100 | $3,000 | $500 (16.67 RPL) a month / 6 months | Monthly report of POAP designed and delivered | 12.25 | |
GA032306 | jasper | Twitter Spaces | Yes | 108 | $3,240 | $540 (18 RPL) a month / 6 months | 13~16 Twitter Space of approximately 1-2 hrs length | 10.75 | |
GA032307 | Waq | Rocket Fuel | Yes | 1200 | $36,000 | $6,000 (200 RPL) a month / 6 months | Verification of regular episodes | 13.00 | |
GA032308 | Dr Doofus | Rocket Pool University | Yes | 300 | $9,000 | $9,000 (300 RPL) upon completion | Functional website with at least one course that has been tested by GMC | 13.00 | |
GA032309 | Sleety | Rocket Pool Animations | Yes | 250 | $7,500 | $1,250 (41.67 RPL) a month / 6 months | Verification of animation threads posted | 11.50 | |
GA032310 | ramana & lutro | StakingPond | Yes | 350 | $10,500 | $7,500 (250 RPL) + $3,000 (100 RPL) for stretch goals | Verfication all features proposed are working | 9.25 | |
GA032311 | ramana & lutro | RocketProof V2 | Yes | 66.67 | $2,000 | $2,000 (66.67 RPL) upon completion | Consensus confirmation by GMC | 11.33 | |
GA032313 | Pat | The Weekly Orbit | Yes | 234 | $7,020 | $1,170 (39 RPL) a month / 6 months | Verification of regular episodes | 11.00 | |
GA032316 | Ken | Twitter Spaces | Yes | 108 | $3,240 | $540 (18 RPL) a month / 6 months | 13~16 Twitter Space of approximately 1-2 hrs length | 10.75 | |
BA032303 | Valdorff | Update RP documentation / website | Yes | 33.34 | $1,000 | $1000 (33.34 RPL) upon completion | 14.6 | ||
BA032304 | Valdorff | MEV Theft Reporting | Yes | 583.34 | $17,500 | $15000 - $20000 (plus 2000 for additional relays, plus 5000 for non-technical dashboard | 11.4 | ||
BA032305 | Valdorff | Bounty Writing | Yes | 3 | $90 | $90 (3 RPL) per bounty submission | 14.2 | ||
RA032301 | dmccartney | Rocket Sweep | Yes | 33.34 | $1,000 | 13.3 | |||
RA032302 | ramana | rETH Slippage for IMC | Yes | 41.67 | $1,250 | 13.4 | |||
RA032303 | Valdorff | Governance Facilitation | Yes | 76.67 | $2,300 | 14.8 | |||
RA032304 | Valdorff | IMC Work | Yes | 170 | $5,130 | 14.8 | |||
RA032306 | invis | RocketWatch Part 2 | Yes | 1333.34 | $40,000 | 14.6 | |||
RA032307 | Pat and Waq | The Weekly Orbit | Yes | 108 | $3,240 | 12.25 | |||
GA032303 | LIBC | Rocket Split | No | Team is working on things that would make this obsolete | 11.25 | ||||
GA032305 | Valdorff | GMC_lite fund | No | This was mainly denied due to feasibility, should develop other ideas for this | 9 | ||||
GA032312 | peteris | RocketScan Node UI | No | N/A | |||||
GA032314 | zahary (DendrETH) | DendrETH: trustless oracle | No | 8.67 | |||||
GA032315 | lutro | rpUSD - Liquity Fork | No | 11 | |||||
BA032301 | Valdorff | Watchtower Disolver for any NO | No | 9.4 | |||||
BA032302 | Valdorff | Dissolve a minipool | No | Kane’s proposal is preferred | 9.2 | ||||
RA032305 | Karma | Delegate Dashboard | No | There’s potential here, community should make requests to customize this for our goals | 9.8 |
Final Vote
After numerous discussions on the individual submissions, the committee voted on the slate as a whole. The final vote was 7 in favor, 0 opposed, and with relevant abstentions for conflicts of interest from Ken (all grants), and waqwaqattack (all grants). mentor.eth did not vote on the final slate of awards, but he was a part of the video discussions. anisoptera.eth joined the GMC after most of the scoring and discussions were wrapped up.
Delegate Dashboard
I am interested in finding effective means to engage the community further in the development of dashboards such as this, ensuring it caters to their needs. Although we sought feedback last month through the DAO forum and Discord, it did not yield sufficient inputs for transforming the dashboard into a viable substitute for delegates.rocketpool.net. I’d like to identify additional approaches to actively involve the community, particularly when it involves replacing an existing system.
Larger Grant Awards
A recurring talking point was on whether the GMC should assume the responsibility of funding what could be considered full-time positions. Rocket Fuel’s acceptance was based on the evidence provided showcasing its significant contribution to the community. The GMC acknowledges the need for further deliberation and development on the precedent when considering grants of such substantial magnitude.
Additional Comments
In this round, there was a notable increase in the amount of feedback collected, but the discussion around the reevaluation of award amounts was comparatively limited.
With the likely passing of RPIP-26, this wraps up the last award cycle that will be structured this way. The new cycle will allow open applications and a negotiation window which will hopefully fix a lot of the weaknesses in the current system.