Max Collateral for LEBs

There is a lot of information spread in a number of places with varying language which can end up being a little confusing so I would just like to post my final thoughts in as clear a manner as I can manage.

Why I am For the proposal to Scale with NO ETH

It maintains the current tokenomics for Node Operators.
Max effective RPL remains exactly the same for someone moving from 1x16 ETH minipool to 2xLEB8s.
No one gains or loses any RPL rewards or voting power and the RPL lockup does not change.

It does not reduce Protocol Security.
The minimum collateral amount which is the amount of RPL collateral deemed necessary for safety scales with ETH borrowed from the protcol and is the exact same value for all the proposed options.

It will result in the maximum amount of additional rETH capacity.
RPL rewards will be higher for anyone with less than 24 ETH worth of RPL on their nodes compared to the other options. This will encourage node operator growth rather than reward people hoarding large amounts of RPL on a small number of minipools.

It is the best option for rETH holders.
Maximising additional rETH capacity will allow more people to hold and use rETH, this increases network effect, liquidity and overall usefulness of rETH in DEFI.

It is the best option for RPL Holders.
The value of RPL is directly linked to the minimum required collateral & the number of minipools.

Growing and onboarding new node operators and increasing the number of minipools launched is the only path to fundamental long-term increased value of the RPL token,

Anything else such as rewarding increased amounts of superfluous staked RPL above the current maximum or adding friction via lockups that will not matter after withdrawals are enabled are simply short-sighted pumpanomics.