ODAO Gas Costs CY22 Review

Analysis of gas costs for the following ODAO transaction types:

  • submitBalances
  • submitPrices
  • submitRates
  • submitRewardSnapshot

Other transaction types are excluded from this gas cost analysis.

Interactive visualisation:


1. Total Gas Costs for current active ODAO set since 2021-01-10 has been:

  • 51.29 ETH || $137,900 USD || 4,428 RPL || 1.176 × 10^9 Gas

2. For 2022 (2022-01-01 to 2022-12-31 inclusive) - Total Annual Costs:

  • For all ODAO nodes:
    39.39 ETH || $94,464 USD || 3,429 RPL || 0.9968 × 10^9 Gas

  • Average for each ODAO node (Note 2):
    3.16 ETH || $7,707 USD || 278 RPL || 0.07605 × 10^9 Gas

Note 1: All ETH-USD and ETH-RPL conversions were done based on the daily closing price of these assets, at the time of the transaction, based on coingecko history.

Note 2: Excludes Sassal, Rocketpool-3 and Rocketpool-1 as these have only partially participated in 2022.