pDAO 2023/07/06-2023/08/03 Treasury Report

Hello, Rocket Pool!

If you need an intro to how pDAO treasury works, check (this post).

IMC and GMC received 5,476.20 RPL and 3,285.72 RPL from inflation, respectively.
The pDAO reserve fund received 2,190.48 RPL this period. Our pDAO reserve fund balance is now 41,067.64 RPL.

Starting with today’s rewards, pDAO budget has increased from 15% of inflation to 22%. This will increase our pDAO reserve budget by 233% (from 2.1k to 7.3k RPL) and it will steadily increase every two periods until it reaches 450% more than the current budget (about 12k RPL).

There is some active discussions about the destination of these funds, please check https://dao.rocketpool.net/t/dev-team-funding/2038 , https://dao.rocketpool.net/t/justification-for-moving-odao-inflation-to-the-imc/1939/8 and the #governance channel on discord.

You can keep up with pDAO treasury with the following spreadsheets:
(RP Treasury Report - Google Sheets )
(pDAO Treasury Summary - Google Sheets ).

Thank you for reading, see you next period!