Proposal to fund Bankless sponsorship(s)

I supported the Q3 sponsorship and I also support an extra month of sponsorship. If we go with Bankless, I think it makes sense to start as early as possible. If The Merge on the Ropsten testnet on June 8 goes well, everyone will run with the narrative of The Merge in August. I think it’s good to start building awareness of Rocket Pool and rETH around this time already.

I’m skeptical about the effectiveness of their media blitz.

We’d already be sponsoring the show, I don’t like how they shitpost on Twitter and how they promote their sponsors between their tweets. All their Discord users probably already watch their shows. Not sure about the reach on TikTok and the effectiveness of an P.S. mention in the newsletter. I think $50k would be spent better elsewhere but I have no better suggestions.

Alchemix media blitz this week

Their TikTok videos get 1000-3000 views: I can’t find the ad for Alchemix but their previous ad got 1889 views

Their 2x mentions on Discord is in the #twitter-stream channel only?

Newsletter mentioned them but it’s overshadowed by another sponsor:

However, if we go with the media blitz I will not hate it. It’s possible they’ll improve their media blitz offering by September.