I would love to see rETH introduced into crypto IRAs like Itrust Capital. I think the crypto IRA market is totally untapped and growing leaps and bounds as crypto gains popularity in the US. I am unsure if there are any legal hurdles to doing this but think you would be definitely a market leader if you capture this segment. I know I have an account with Itrust and would love to switch ETH to rETH. Thanks in advance.
I know a lot of people who would love this as well
This is a great idea. I think if we can get a list of such organizations together, we can as a community tweet at them or the core team can engage them.
You mentioned Itrust which is great, my only knowledge here is a friend who has set up via https://www.rocketdollar.com/ … which have nice branding similarities!
Not gonna lie, I’m biased for Itrust since I have ETH there and hopefully that’s your first call, but here is a website that lists a bunch. Its an untapped market for sure. LIst here → LIst of Crypto IRA companies
Thanks @barbapj
If you can figure out a good contact at Itrust Capital, I can reach out and see if there is an opportunity.