Rocket Pool University

Rocket Pool University (RPU) has been a long time in the making.

Originally, it was being developed in the spirit of the Ethereum Studymaster course and was to be hosted on Unvetica’s site. It took too long to get it going and in the meantime, Studymaster ceased to exist, thus the format, and eventually scope, of RPU changed.

RPU is an educational outreach effort created to fit that niche between brief summary and in-depth documentation. The flagship course, Basics of Rocket Pool is more rigorous than the website, explainer series or various outreach efforts on X, but not as exhaustive and detail oriented as the excellent Rocket Pool documentation. Basics of Rocket Pool allows students to learn in more depth at their leisure.

When an RPU course is passed (that is, when all quizzes are passed), a CoC (Certificate of Completion) is awarded in the form of a POAP. After the final transcript is reviewed by the course director, the POAP is sent directly to the address the student used to take the lesson quizzes.

More courses can and should be added.
Anyone can design a course and it need not be as long (or short) as Basics of Rocket Pool.

Contact @drdoofus for details or questions.

Welcome to Rocket Pool University!

RPU has been graciously funded by Rocket Pool’s GMC