Round 14 - GMC Community Discussion of Submitted Applications

In order to keep the application threads clear of discussions (to make it easier for committee members to read and score them), please use this thread for any and all questions and discussions of round 14 period of grant, bounty, and retrospective award applications.


None. :face_with_head_bandage:


:green_circle: Steely support

:green_circle: Haloo support


:red_circle: Nordahub

Not clear to me how much value a general education thing like this has, especially given the various other efforts we’ve funded.

:green_circle: Rocket Rescue Node

A huge number of users for a pretty modest cost. Keep on keeping on.

:green_circle: Patches Discretionary Development Budget

Simply - I trust patches to do a good job prioritizing and not wasting money on frivolous tasks. I’ve also seen patches work on growing talent, which can have additional benefits beyond the direct ones.

:red_circle: Ethereum Protocol Security Attackathon Sponsorship

I think we’re closer to a good recipient for sponsorship for Ethereum-aligned work than a sponsor. Someday, I’d love to have the extra cash where we can spend on public goods comfortably, but today is not that day.

:white_circle: :green_circle: Rocket Fuel - Waq

I’m mostly gonna say to heavily discount my thoughts as I don’t consume media this way (I don’t mean RF, I mean any podcasts or youtube shows).

That said, one big question I have is: if ~200 folks are watching/listening per day… are they the same people? I love RP and all, but I don’t actually believe we have real news every day, day in and day out. So my wonder is roughly: would folks get more mileage out of fewer shows? Like if it was “at least every other day” with a judgement call choosing if it was daily or skipping. Would having bigger news per show and less total to watch be a benefit (it would for me if I was trying to consume this way) or is this entertainment people like on the daily regardless?

That all said, it does appear that RF holds an important spot for many, both as a reference on specific subjects and as a way to keep up.

Again - I wouldn’t listen to me too much on this one, just maybe some questions to ask folks that do consume media this way.

:question: :green_circle: GA032316. Renewal for RP Community Call Co-Hosting - Host Ken Smith

Not clear on the amount of payment being asked for. Insofar as it’s reasonable, I think it’s valuable to have this for the community. It serves to feel as a group, get exposure to new stuff, and even have some dev team access.

I do think we should require logging number of attendees in the live call (can be as simple as a screenshot of attendees and a number) – this would make it easier to assess value in the future generally as well as specifically (are there certain types of guests or hours or something that get terrible turnout?).



No. We don’t need more educational quizzes. Plus the website is empty, it looks like it’s just launched and it has no content at all.

Rocket Rescue Node

Fund it. It’s a very good deal for the protocol.

Patches Discretionary Development Budget

I like the idea. Double it, triple it.

Ethereum Protocol Security Attackathon Sponsorship

If the RPL was doing better I think we could consider this as a marketing expense.

The Ethereum Foundation had a treasury of $1.6B as per their last report. They can afford $2m all by themselves so I don’t feel bad by rejecting this.

Rocket Fuel

Fund it. He’s been very consistent and even overdelivers.


Fund it.


haloooloolo support

Pay him. The guy is a regular and very active not just in #support.

Steely support

Pay him.

Hi Val! Thanks for your feedback and questions. I’ll try my best to answer some of the questions you brought up here.

Rocket Fuel has gotten ~2500 unique viewers over the previous 90 days (that is as far back as YouTube data goes for this) and 1200 returning viewers. There is a core audience of people who watch every episode, but there are a lot of people who consume Rocket Fuel content on a semi regular basis.

Having less frequent shows wouldn’t help me in terms of the amount of work I do for each episode. The amount of content and information I have to consume would remain the same - lest I miss newsworthy stories. Also, in an informal poll, RF viewers prefer having more frequent episodes.

There is an element of RF becoming an entertainment source for people, for sure. However, it is first and foremost a news source, and I would argue it’s a key source of information for a sizable chunk of NOs who wouldn’t get RP information otherwise. Some even look at the key topics I highlight on tweets to get the gist of what’s going on with RP - like looking at just the front page on a newspaper.