Round 20 - GMC Call for Retrospective Applications - Deadline is January 7

Clear Queue gas reimbursement

Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?


What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.

In the wee hours of December the 22nd of the year of our lord 2024, a safe wallet controlled by nsso.eth deposited over 18,000 eth: tx link

Acting quickly, cal sent me 0.42328071653 eth from god knows where, to supplement my own dust, and we seized upon sub-10 gwei gas to clear the minipool queue by using peteris’s contract

The following transactions matched almost 500 minipools:

This created more space for future deposits, and saved money vs allowing these matches to happen at higher gas prices. All were under 8 gwei.

Cal is out 0.42328071653 eth.

Cal, however, is furious with regret. Kidding, I’m sure he’s his usual self

Are the subjects of this award entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?



Group Benefits
Potential rETH holders Made space for deposits, and reduced the gas cost of depositing
rETH holders N/A
Potential NOs Clearing the queue reduces their gas costs, as matching is done on deposit.
Community N/A
RPL holders N/A


How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?

Is the applicant requesting RPL or LUSD?

0.42328071653 eth worth of RPL to make Cal whole again

Conflict of Interest

This answer keeps getting longer…

I am a investor in nodeset,, and sit on the board of directors of ethstaker but have no idea what that entails, yet.

Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).

None to disclose, aside from Cal’s status as a GMC alumnus.