MC Gas Reimbursement
Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?
The 25 management committee members who have personally funded gas expenses for executing transactions on behalf of the GMC / IMC in 2024.
What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of? Please detail what the project or work entailed and the duration over which it took place.
This is a continuation of the retro that was awarded last year for gas reimbursement RA082401).
GMC has at least two transactions per month, one for treasury diversity, and one for payments. Meanwhile, the IMC has to regularly execute transactions to manage liquidity incentives. Members are required to use their personal funds to execute transactions.
How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?
The total payout will be 1.015546362 ETH. At the time of writing this is $ 3,518.31.
I propose to reimburse each member on a dollar-for-dollar basis, calculating their ETH spent to RPL at the time of payout. The ETH price will be taken similar to how RPL price is captured (12th of the month at 23:59 UTC on CoinGecko).
This dune analytics dashboard shows all gas expenses from both the IMC and GMC safe:
This spreadsheet compiles all members and the total of their executed transactions:
I propose bundling these reimbursements with the member’s monthly stipends to reduce gas costs.
Conflict of Interest
Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).
I am on the GMC and would be receiving reimbursement for the amount I have spent on gas. There will be several other members of the GMC being reimbursed as well.