Round 8 - GMC Call for Grant Applications - Deadline is January 14

Name of Project

Renewal for RP Community Call Hosting on Twitter Spaces - Host Ken Smith

What is the work being proposed?

The proposed work is to continue hosting bi-weekly Rocket Pool Community calls hosted on Twitter space. It is one of the largest and only regular forms of community engagement. The calls are typically 1-1.5 hrs in length. We regularly feature a business/marketing partner (“special guest”) and inform the community on significant news topics with weigh-ins from the core Rocket Pool team.

Is there any related work this builds off of?

Yes. This is a renewal of GA032316. For almost two years, I have had the honor of co-hosting the weekly Rocket Pool Community calls.

What grant is being renewed?


What work from the previous proposal was completed?

In the last six months, I have hosted 13 community calls.

What work from the previous proposal is ongoing or pending?

The Community Calls increase knowledge among the RP NOs and increase awareness of rETH and what users can do with it. It’s a weekly (and sometimes multiple times a week) live Twitter space that covers topics of interest to rETH holders and NOs alike. The Community Calls keep holders up to date with the protocol and ecosystem so that they can make informed decisions. Most guest protocols either incorporate or will incorporate Rocket Pool within their protocol or service.

What work was not originally planned but completed, if any?


What work is newly slated since the previous proposal?

The format is not slated to change as this is an ongoing community call. Still, the content discussed and included in each call is unique. Each week, a specific agenda is prepared to address current and relevant topics.

Are the results of this project entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts are not, and why not?

All Community Calls are left publicly accessible on the X platform. In addition, the audio files are re-uploaded on YouTube by @maverick and publicly accessible via the YT platform. No individual copyright is claimed by myself.

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

What metrics can you share on the project’s success?

The successful hosting of a well-prepared Twitter Space of approximately 1-1.5 hrs length focusing on educating the community. In the last six months, I have hosted 13 community calls.

In less specific terms, how has this project improved the Rocket Pool ecosystem or benefited the Ethereum ecosystem?

The Community Call continues to be a foundational communication platform between three key stakeholders. The development team, the RP Community (in particular the pDAO), and the DeFi Ecosystem that is incorporating Rocket Pool into their various protocols and services.


Who has done the work, and have there been any changes to the team?

Jasper and I have been doing these Twitter Spaces since Feb of 2022. Occasionally, one fills in when the other cannot host, but we’ve, by and large, been remarkably consistent. For qualifications, I have been a long-term community member of RP and serve as a Rocket Scientist.

How have the individual constituents of the team been compensated?

Both Jasper and have separate co-host grants previously approved by the GMC.

How has maintenance been performed since the delivery of the project?

All Twitter spaces are re-uploaded on YouTube by @maverick and publicly accessible via the YT platform.

Payment and Verification

Have the acceptance criteria been met?

Yes. Except for the primary holiday weeks, we have consistently hosted a weekly Rocket Pool Community call.

What is the proposed payment schedule for the grant? How much RPL and over what period of time is the applicant requesting? Does this differ from the original approved amount?

I am seeking the same remuneration as the previous grant awarded. 9 RPL every two weeks. Payments can continue to be routinely made in the periodic (~ monthly) reward cycles.

I would prefer to have the grant renewed for a minimum of 6 months to limit the frequency of grant renewals.

Is there a measurable Return on Investment for the project?


What is the breakdown of spending on development for the original grant vs. maintenance?


Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons proposing the grant have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if any member of the GMC would benefit directly financially from the grant).

Yes. I serve as a member of the GMC, and per the current RPIP-18, I will have to recuse myself from deliberations on this application.

Will the recipient of the grant, or any protocol or project in which the recipient has a vested interest (other than Rocket Pool), benefit financially if the grant is successful?

Possibly. We routinely invite special guests of other DeFi and Ethereum-based protocols to the Community Calls. They are screened and selected by Mav and generally have a tie-in to the Rocket Pool ecosystem. Their DeFi protocol may benefit from the inclusion on the call. I will disclose if I am an investor or hold any protocol tokens of the invited guests.