RPIP-0 Draft and Sentiment Poll

Hi All,

After a great deal of thought, I think I have found a solution to all of RP’s governance and strategy issues that has no downsides of any kind. Please see RPIP-0 draft.

  • Support moving to vote; this is great
  • Support moving to vote; this is good enough
  • Abstain
  • Oppose moving to vote
  • Is this some kind of joke?
0 voters
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This accomplishes most of what we need while not adding much work for most of us. If we can move quick, we can get it in soon after Houston.

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I am not sure, it lacks some burn mechanism.


If that is deemed desirable by the GE, the IIs will implement it in an RPID. Remember that this sorta thing can get decided in an hour or less after the implementation of RPIP-0.

Is this a joke? Obviously, voting on something like this would completely delegitimize the proposed process. Only way to establish it would be by decree.


Will there be a large spherical space station to house said Emperor and Inquisitors? Will it include an exhaust shaft?

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I oppose this. Making Knosua Involuntary God Emperor of RP would be devastating to my long dream of becoming Supreme Benevolent Dictator of RP.


So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.


I would like to say I have thoroughly read the RPIP and all associated RPIPs and after great consideration have concluded this is good for tokenomics.