September 1-9 2023 GMC Call for Retrospective Award Applications - Deadline is September 9

It’s a little awkward that I’m posting this right after ShfRyn’s RA for very much similar work, but I find something aesthetically pleasing about the idea that ShfRyn’s was posted just a bit sooner because he’s more on the ball than I. :joy: I’ve been debating whether to submit this for the past six months, but finally decided that if I’m going to keep encouraging others to post RA’s and grants then I should not be a hypocrite and post my own.

Retrospective Award:

GMC Start-Up and Initial Round Work

Who is the proposed retrospective award recipient?

Calurduran (payment address: 1stman.eth)

What specific project or work is the retrospective award in recognition of?

This Retrospective Award is requested for the work I did as an initial member of the Grants Management Committee (GMC) from November 2022 through mid-March 2023, approximately 4.5 months. During that time I served as a proto-administrator. This included serving as the de facto face of the committee for the community, including helping design the initial rubrics, soliciting community feedback on said rubrics, organizing the community-facing forum application process for the first round of applications, engaging in applicant interactions and clarifying questions, organizing the committee’s decision-making process, organizing initial payments, and creating various Google docs/sheets to document these various tasks for those who came after.

Are the subjects of this award entirely open source (MIT, GPL, Apache, CC BY license or similar)? If not, which parts will not be, why, and under what license will they be published?

Yes or N/A

Benefits - enter N/A where appropriate

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to stake ETH for rETH?

The answer to each of these is the same, so I will answer once here and leave the rest as “see above”. Having drafted RPIP-15 and shepherded it through the governance process, I ran for a seat on the initial GMC to help ensure that it got off to a good start. In the time I was on the committee, I helped establish numerous procedures (quite a few of which are still in use now) to help ensure that the pDAO’s allocation to the GMC would be distributed in a fair and transparent manner. The use of said funds to reward RAs and to fund future bounties and grants has had a direct benefit for all of the protocol’s stakeholders, including rETH holders and stakers, node operators, RPL holders, and the community.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help rETH holders?

See above.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people looking to run a Rocket Pool node for the first time?

See above.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given help people already running a Rocket Pool node?

See above.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help the Rocket Pool community?

See above.

How did the project or work for which the retrospective award would be given how does this help RPL holders?

See above.


How much USD $ is the applicant requesting be awarded to the recipient?

$8,400 - I came up with this amount based on two different approaches that both pointed in the same direction. The role I played was sort of a proto-GMC Administrator. The since-created role would have received $16,875 during the time I was serving in that capacity. I’ve therefore requested one-half of that amount, in recognition of the facts that (a) while I did routinely do ten to twenty hours a week of work for the committee during our peak award-scoring periods, the time demands were not consistently of the same amount as the paid GMC Administrator position, (b) I willingly and voluntarily chose to do these things without expectation of future payment, (c) I have already received some payment from RPL_Benefactor specifically for my work on the GMC committee. The amount is also in line with the amount given to Valdorff for his work going above-and-beyond for the IMC (RA032304 - $10,000) which would be the most similar RA.

Conflict of Interest

Does the person or persons requesting the retrospective award have any conflicts of interest to disclose? (Please disclose here if you are a member of the GMC or if you have nominated a member of the GMC for this retrospective award).

I was a member of the GMC during the time of the work for which I am requesting an RA.