Dear Rocket Pool community, this is Dmitry from Lido Community Staking. I’m reaching out to you with the question that was raised during preparations for the Community Staking Module (CSM) for the mainnet release.
As you might have heard, there is a CSM feature called the Early Adoption period. During this period, only curated addresses are allowed to create Node Operators in CSM. The early adopters also receive a discounted bond for the very first validator key uploaded. There is a link to read more about it -
Now, there are discussions about the sources of the Early Adoption list for the CSM mainnet. The main idea is to include proven solo-stakers in this list. There are several sources of information about existing solo-stakers available, including this particular list with Rocket Pool operators prepared by StakeCat - Solo-Stakers/Solo-Stakers/Rocketpool-Solo-Stakers.csv at main · Stake-Cat/Solo-Stakers · GitHub
Since we, Lido CS contributors, don’t want to make our Early Adoption campaign look like a vampire attack, I want to explicitly ask the Rocket Pool community if we should include this list (Solo-Stakers/Solo-Stakers/Rocketpool-Solo-Stakers.csv at main · Stake-Cat/Solo-Stakers · GitHub) as one of the sources for the Early Adoption list for the CSM mainnet?
Note #1: The final decision on whether to use the proposed list is after the Lido DAO. So here we are speaking about the explicit inclusion of the StakeCat’s Rocket Poolers list to our proposal for the CSM mainnet.
Note #2: Any addresses of the Rocket Pool operators from the other sources (Rated’s list, StakeCat List B, Lido OAT holders, CSM testnet participants) will be included in the proposal due to the fact of their presence in these sources.